

  • ETD Volume - July 2022

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 6.57 billion contracts in the month of July, the third highest monthly total ever recorded. The July total was down 6.8% from June 2022’s record but up 33.6% from July 2021.

  • FIA PTG Responds to US Treasury Request for Information on Transparency

    In a letter filed with the US Department of the Treasury today, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) supported the implementation of real-time public reporting (with appropriate block trade thresholds) for all secondary market cash transactions.

  • FIA joins other trades in EU benchmarks regulation review recommendations

    FIA, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA), the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), EMTA, and the Global Foreign Exchange Division (GFXD) of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) have published an updated set of recommendations in response to the European Commission’s latest consultation on reform of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.

  • FIA responds to European Commission’s BMR consultation

    FIA has submitted a response to the European Commission’s consultation on reforming the EU Benchmarks Regulation (BMR). In its response, FIA highlights that without significant reform,  the BMR could expose benchmark users in the European Union to the threats that BMR was intended to protect them from, putting them at a competitive disadvantage to users of benchmarks in other jurisdictions.

  • Agency Deference No More? Lessons from West Virginia v. EPA

    Drawing on their firm’s successful efforts in this watershed case, partners from Jones Day will address how the major questions doctrine will affect the rules governing your businesses—and how it can be a tool to challenge those rules that go astray from the statutes.

  • Digital Assets - The Transformation of Financial Markets

    Join our panel of experts as they discuss the opportunities, and challenges for market participants, and share what they see as the future state of market infrastructure and ecosystem.

  • CPMI-IOSCO discussion paper on non-default losses welcomed by FIA

    FIA welcomes a recent discussion paper on practices used by central counterparties to address non-default losses, such as losses from cyberattacks or system outages.

  • Q2 2022 Trends in Futures and Options Trading

    This webinar will highlight the main trends in trading activity in Q2 2022 in the global exchange-traded derivatives markets, with category and regional breakdowns as well as exchange and contract rankings.

  • FIA EPTA response to the EBA Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework. In 2019 FIA EPTA established a Sustainable Finance Committee for its member firms to explore how liquidity providers can contribute to the green transition. It is FIA EPTA’s view that sustainable finance offers a great promise in unlocking investment capital that is essential for fighting climate change and mitigating its impact for citizens.

  • FIA responds to ESMA consultations on CCP Resolution Regime

    FIA has responded to three of the four consultations published by the European Securities and Markets Authority on the CCP Resolution Regime. The responses cover two mandated guidelines on the assessment of resolvability and cooperation arrangement between member states and third-country authorities, and non-mandated guidelines on the resolution plan summary. The associations did not respond to the consultation on the standard written arrangement template for the resolution college