

  • FIA PTG responds to FINRA Proposal to enhance TRACE reporting for US Treasury Securities

    FIA PTG supported the proposal to “generally require reporting to TRACE as soon as practicable but no later than 60 minutes;” while urging FINRA to continue monitoring and consider shortening the reporting timeframe even further in the future.

  • ETD Volume - May 2022

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 6.3 billion contracts in the month of May, the second highest monthly total ever recorded.

  • China's FDL - Overview and Insights

    In this webinar on 22 June, we invited Linklaters Zhao Sheng to provide a regulatory overview of China’s futures market and this new law.

  • FIA responds to UK’s call for evidence on Green Finance Strategy

    FIA has responded to the UK government’s call for evidence to support its update of the Green Finance Strategy. The response stresses the need for well-balanced, principle-based regulation that complements and encourages market innovation. It also highlights new products as a potential growth area to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • FIA EPTA response to the UK Government Call for Evidence to support its update of the Green Finance Strategy

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the United Kingdom (UK) Government Call for Evidence to support its update of the Green Finance Strategy.  FIA EPTA members believe that the UK Government is at the forefront of the global fight against climate change and mitigating its impact on citizens. The UK Government showed its leadership during COP26 in Glasgow and with the review of many legislative initiatives as also this Call for Evidence shows.

  • FIA responds to SFC consultation on Position Limit Regime changes

    FIA has responded to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission’s consultation on changes to the Position Limit Regime. The response acknowledges that greater transparency can benefit the industry but stresses that benefits should be commensurate with the resources needed to meet these requirements.

  • The Road Ahead for Operations

    The complexity of the current operational environment, consisting of various platforms, has created challenges for the industry. As trading volumes surged with increased market volatility, stress to the infrastructure added to the operational risks. What is the current landscape in the Asia-Pacific region?

  • How We Keep Futures Markets Operational Through World Events

    In this FIA Operations Americas Division webinar, panelists discussed what’s next, and how can clearing operations teams react effectively and prepare for unknown world events.

  • FIA announces new board members, first female chair 

    London — FIA today announced the election of new directors to its Board of Directors, including the appointment of Alicia Crighton of Goldman Sachs & Co as its first-ever female Chair. 

  • Capturing opportunities in commodities, sustainability and digital assets

    Opening remarks of Walt Lukken, President and CEO of FIA, at the International Derivatives Expo conference in London on 7 June, 2022.