

  • FIA offers comments on DCO governance requirements

    FIA has filed provide comments with the US Commodity Future Trading Commission on a proposed rulemaking regarding governance requirements for Derivatives Clearing Organizations (DCOs).

  • FIA responds to CFTC Request for Information on climate-related financial risk

    FIA has responded to the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Request for Information (RFI), which sought public comment on climate-related financial risk to better inform its understanding and oversight of climate-related financial risk as pertinent to the derivatives markets and underlying commodities markets. 

  • FIA joins other trade associations in industry response to second Basel consultation on cryptoassets

    FIA also files a supplemental letter urging regulators not to penalise client clearing.

  • FIA PTG responds to FINRA proposal to shorten reporting windows for some bond contracts

    In a letter filed with FINRA today, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) supported a proposal to shorten reporting times in corporate bonds, agency debt securities, asset-backed securities and agency pass-through mortgage-backed securities traded to-be-announced for good delivery.

  • FIA, ISDA respond to ESMA call for evidence on pre-hedging

    FIA and the International Swaps and Derivatives Association have jointly responded to a European Securities and Markets Authority call for evidence on pre-hedging activities. FIA and ISDA offered comments on ESMA’s proposed a definition for pre-hedging, how to distinguish it from hedging, the relationship with MiFID and MAR including legitimate and illegitimate indicators, the treatment of RFQs and more.

  • FIA EPTA response to ESMA’s Call for Evidence on Pre-hedging (ESMA70-449-672)

    FIA EPTA welcomes ESMA’s intention to provide more clarity, via future Level 3 guidance, regarding pre-hedging practices in RFQ markets. European RFQ markets have seen significant growth and development over the past years and we believe clarity on the situations where pre-hedging may be inappropriate (or not) will contribute to the greater efficiency and reliability of these markets for all participants.

  • FIA urges CFTC to clarify regulation of event contracts

    FIA filed comments with the CFTC urging the agency to clarify the rules governing event contracts. FIA submitted its comment letter in response to the CFTC’s review of KalshiEx’s proposal to list contracts on which political party will be in control of each chamber of the U.S. Congress.

  • Cross Border: The Asia-Pacific Trading & Execution Landscape

    The exchange-traded derivatives industry has been influenced and shaped by various dynamics, regionally and globally. In this webinar, a broad spectrum of industry experts discussed how they are adapting to these forces and to share their views on future developments.

  • FIA PTG responds to SEC Proposal to Require FINRA Membership

    In a letter filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) , the FIA Principal Traders Group opposed a Proposal that would generally require Association (FINRA) membership for any registered proprietary broker-dealer that effects securities transactions elsewhere than on a national securities exchange of which it is a member.

  • FIA PTG joins other trade associations in responding to IOSCO CCP Default Auctions Best Practices Consultation

    This paper, developed by CCP12, EACH, FIA, FIA PTG, ISDA and MFA, and submitted to IOSCO, addresses client participation in CCP default auctions. The paper builds on the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (April 2012) (“PFMIs”) and joint CPMI-IOSCO work on CCP resilience and recovery, with the aim of enhancing auction practices and procedures.