

  • FIA responds to Hong Kong SFC consultation on Position Limit Regime changes

    FIA has responded to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission’s consultation conclusions and further consultation on changes to the Position Limit Regime.

  • FIA responds to Eurex consultation on the implementation of the second skin in the game

    While FIA and its members have been strong advocates for a SSITG, Eurex's intention to reduce the first SITG by 28% as part of the implementation is “opposed to the spirit of the new recovery and resolutions regulations and what the industry has been pushing for the past few years.”

  • FIA EPTA’s Response to ESMA’s Consultation Paper on Market Outages

    FIA EPTA members are supportive of the work being done by ESMA on market outages, particularly efforts to require trading venues to publish clear comprehensive outages plans on an ex-ante basis. Market resilience is at the core of efficient and competitive financial markets and it is imperative that trading venues clearly outline a well-planned approach to communication and management in the event of a market outage to provide certainty to market participants.

  • ETD Volume - November 2022

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 7.75 billion contracts in November, up 10.9% from October 2022 and up 25.7% from November 2021.

  • SEC Enforcement Priorities

    The panel will discuss SEC tactics such as the increasingly sophisticated use of whistleblowers and trading data surveillance, and evolving enforcement priorities, such as the SEC’s focus on disclosures, sales practices, and other policies and procedures related to sales of complex products and trading strategies, with examples involving complex options-based strategies and variable annuities.

  • FIA, ISDA and AFME publish position paper on European Commission Market Correction Mechanism Proposal

    FIA, ISDA and AFME have published a position paper on the European Commission’s “Market Correction Mechanism” proposal for natural gas prices in the European Union. The associations urge policymakers to avoid imposing any price cap on the wholesale gas market.

  • MarketVoice Podcast - SGX's Loh Boon Chye on the growth of Asia-Pacific derivatives

    Loh Boon Chye, CEO of Singapore Exchange, sat down with FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken to discuss the outlook for Asia-Pacific derivatives markets generally, as well as specific plans that SGX has to capitalize on opportunities in the region.

  • Associations publish papers on client participation in CCP auctions and CCP auction governance

    FIA, CCP12, the European Association of CCP Clearing Houses, and ISDA, together with client associations, the FIA Principal Traders Group and the Managed Funds Association, have developed and published papers focused on client participation in a CCP default auction, governance of CCP default management processes and the role of default management groups

  • FIA and ISDA respond to ESMA’s consultation on CCP business reorganization plans under the CCP resolution regime

    the associations invite ESMA to carefully consider risks of conflicts of interest that may arise if a CCP’s incumbent management develops the business reorganization plan, and to include a review of the CCP’s risk management framework.

  • ETD Volume - October 2022

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 6.99 billion contracts in October, down 15.1% from the record month of September 2022 but up 26.3% from October 2021.