
ETD Volume - January 2023

28 February 2023

Introducing the ETD Tracker:

This month FIA is releasing the January data on futures and options trading in two formats: the established spreadsheet format and a new format called the FIA ETD Tracker. The ETD Tracker consists of interactive visualizations on the FIA website that allow users to view data on volume and open interest, with filters based on year and month, region and jurisdiction, asset group and type of product. The ETD Tracker also includes visualizations that rank exchanges by total volume in the latest month and year to date as well as open interest in the latest month. Click here to access the ETD Tracker.

Highlights from January 2023: 

Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 8.47 billion contracts in January, up 0.3% from December 2022 and up 39.2% from January 2022.

Options continue to gain in popularity. Global trading of options reached 6.30 billion contracts in January, up by more than 70% from last year, with most of that trading taking place in the Asia-Pacific region. Global trading of futures reached 2.17 billion contracts in January, down 9.3% from the same month last year. 

Total open interest at the end of January was 1.05 billion contracts. The January total was down 3.2% from December 2022 but up 4.9% from a year ago.

Open interest in futures contracts was 283.2 million contracts at the end of January, up 5.2% from a year ago. Open interest in options was 767.4 million contracts at the end of January, up 4.8% from a year ago. 

Note: The sheets Raw Data, Raw Data - Alternative, Volume Revision and Correction, OI Revision and Correction, and Additions to Historical Data, will no longer be included in the volume report released on the FIA website. To receive these sheets or any of the data contained in them, reach out to

2023 January ETD Volume
  Futures Options Total M/M Y/Y
Asia-Pacific            764,050,624          5,000,373,129          5,764,423,753 -0.5% 81.6%
North America            380,121,373          1,029,613,275          1,409,734,648 6.7% -1.5%
Latin America            546,630,963            166,822,472            713,453,435 1.1% -8.3%
Europe            249,550,472              88,278,609            337,829,081 -3.0% -28.5%
Other            227,669,359              12,610,901            240,280,260 -11.2% 7.7%
Grand Total          2,168,022,791          6,297,698,386          8,465,721,177 0.3% 39.2%
M/M -10.3% 4.6% 0.3%    
Y/Y -9.3% 70.7% 39.2%    


Asset Class
Asset Class January to January
2022 2023 Change
Futures and Options      
Agriculture 175,766,513 141,826,863 -19.3%
Currency 579,794,402 726,902,206 25.4%
Energy 184,499,338 174,478,180 -5.4%
Equity Index 3,290,025,679 5,556,563,741 68.9%
Individual Equity 1,159,993,055 1,092,967,801 -5.8%
Interest Rates 376,317,674 475,466,269 26.3%
Non-Precious Metals 115,174,655 101,315,587 -12.0%
Other 152,744,796 147,807,250 -3.2%
Precious Metals 45,302,515 48,393,280 6.8%
Grand Total 6,079,618,627 8,465,721,177 39.2%


Region January to January
2022 2023 Change
Futures and Options      
Asia-Pacific 3,174,761,851 5,764,423,753 81.6%
Europe 472,365,125 337,829,081 -28.5%
Latin America 777,916,072 713,453,435 -8.3%
North America 1,431,416,034 1,409,734,648 -1.5%
Other 223,159,545 240,280,260 7.7%
Grand Total 6,079,618,627 8,465,721,177 39.2%


2024 ETD Volume Reports



  • FIA
  • FIA Data
  • ETD