
Publications & Filings

  • FIA files comment letter in support of updating CFTC Rule 48.4

    The FIA has filed a letter with the CFTC in support of a petition for rulemaking filed by Eurex requesting a technical update to CFTC Rule 48.4. Specifically, the FIA supported an expansion to the rule to permit U.S.-based IBs direct access to Foreign Boards of Trade.

  • FIA files comment letter in support of updating CFTC Rule 48.4

    The FIA has filed a letter with the CFTC in support of a petition for rulemaking filed by Eurex requesting a technical update to CFTC Rule 48.4. Specifically, the FIA supported an expansion to the rule to permit U.S.-based IBs direct access to Foreign Boards of Trade.

  • FIA submits comments to SGX on proposed changes to Futures Trading Rules

    FIA has responded to the Singapore Exchange's consultation on proposed changes to its Futures Trading Rules and other rulebooks. While FIA generally supports the proposed changes, it also makes some recommendations and raises concerns about several proposals.

  • FIA submits comments to SGX on proposed changes to Futures Trading Rules

    FIA has responded to the Singapore Exchange's consultation on proposed changes to its Futures Trading Rules and other rulebooks. While FIA generally supports the proposed changes, it also makes some recommendations and raises concerns about several proposals.

  • FIA speaks on capital, exchange volatility controls before CFTC committee

    FIA offered presentations before an advisory committee of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission on 6 November, touching on best practices for exchange volatility controls and the potential impact of proposed capital reforms on OTC derivatives clearing.

  • FIA responds to CFTC proposed rulemaking on Provisions Common to Registered Entities

    FIA and ISDA have submitted a response to the CFTC proposed rulemaking on provisions to common registered entities. The proposal makes technical amendments to the CFTC rules governing how designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, and swap execution facilities certify new rules and products, and the CFTC’s review and processing of such submissions.

  • FIA responds to CFTC proposed rulemaking on Provisions Common to Registered Entities

    FIA and ISDA have submitted a response to the CFTC proposed rulemaking on provisions to common registered entities. The proposal makes technical amendments to the CFTC rules governing how designated contract markets, derivatives clearing organizations, and swap execution facilities certify new rules and products, and the CFTC’s review and processing of such submissions.

  • FIA voices continued opposition to SEC’s proposed custody rules for FCMs

    FIA has filed additional comments opposing application of the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed “safeguarding” rule to FCMs. The SEC recently re-opened the public comment period on the proposal, which would replace its existing custody rule for qualified custodians, including FCMs.

  • Trade associations submit letter on Article 9 of REMIT

    FIA and several other trade associations have sent a letter to trilogue parties regarding proposed changes to Art. 9 of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) concerning the supervision of third country firms. The associations urge legislators to adopt the least burdensome of the pending proposals, which would have third-country firms designate a representative to respond to requests for information. This contrasts with having to establish an office or move principal trading operations to the EU, which would create considerable market access barriers.

  • Trade associations submit letter on Article 9 of REMIT

    FIA and several other trade associations have sent a letter to trilogue parties regarding proposed changes to Art. 9 of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) concerning the supervision of third country firms. The associations urge legislators to adopt the least burdensome of the pending proposals, which would have third-country firms designate a representative to respond to requests for information. This contrasts with having to establish an office or move principal trading operations to the EU, which would create considerable market access barriers.