
Trade associations call for clarity on EMIR 3.0 effective implementation dates

23 September 2024

FIA, AIMA, EBF, EFAMA and ISDA have sent a letter urging the European Commission and European Supervisory Authorities to clarify that market participants are not required to implement the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR 3.0) Level 1 provisions prior to the date of application of the associated Level 2 regulatory technical standards (RTS).

In the letter, the associations state this is to avoid firms being required to implement the requirements of EMIR 3.0 twice – first, to comply with the Level 1 provisions once EMIR 3.0 enters into force and then when the associated Level 2 RTS becomes applicable.

This would impose disproportionate and unnecessary costs and would not provide any substantial benefits, the associations say. 

Read the letter in full.

  • FIA
  • Compliance
  • Cross Border
  • Advocacy
  • Europe