

  • FIA EPTA response to the ESMA MiFIR Review Consultation on RTS on the Synchronisation of Business Clocks

    FIA EPTA members are generally supportive of ESMA’s proposed changes to the RTS on synchronisation of business clocks. In relation to the proposed extension of the clock synchronisation requirements to new entities,  in general, we agree with the proposed accuracy levels for APAs, SIs, DPEs and CTPs subject to one exception: we believe that the accuracy levels for SIs with a gateway-to-gateway latency less than one millisecond should be the same as that for trading venues and their participants with the same gateway-to-gateway latency.

  • FIA EPTA response to the ESMA MiFIR Review Consultation on assessment criteria for the CTP selection procedure

    FIA EPTA members believe a comprehensive consolidated tape is essential for improving the international competitiveness and accessibility of EU markets to international investors many of whom currently find EU markets too complex and opaque. A comprehensive low cost, real-time, pre-trade CT will support transparency, ameliorate fragmentation and will support liquidity and investor confidence, strengthening EU financial markets.

  • FIA EPTA response to the ESMA MiFIR Review Consultation on the Draft RTS on Reasonable Commercial Basis

    As high-volume consumers of a variety of wholesale market data products, our members support regulatory efforts to bring more transparency to market data pricing and fairness to commercial practices. We welcome ESMA’s efforts to strengthen this framework through the proposals set out in the consultation paper and draft RTS. In order for these proposals to be effective in practice, supervisory convergence is essential particularly regarding scrutiny of data providers’ approach to implementing the fees, costs and margin provisions. Adequate supervision and enforcement of this RTS across all NCAs is also essential for it to be effective.

  • ETD Volume - July 2024

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 18.99 billion contracts in July, the highest level ever recorded. This was up 11.9% from June 2024 and up 68.7% from July 2023. 

  • Q2 2024 ETD Volume Trends

    FIA’s quarterly review of volume and open interest on derivatives exchanges worldwide. This webinar will provide insights into trends in trading activity in the global listed derivatives markets.

  • Closing Chevron: Administrative Law Developments

    Administrative law is center stage this year. Last week the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the well-known Chevron deference doctrine. This webinar will address the Court’s seismic decision and what it means for financial services regulation and federal administrative law more broadly moving forward.

  • ETD Volume - June 2024

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 16.98 billion contracts in June, the second highest level ever recorded. This was down 5.7% from May 2024’s record breaking month but up 69% from June 2023.

  • ETD Volume - May 2024

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives reached 17.99 billion contracts in May, the highest level ever recorded. This was up 18.5% from April 2024 and up 76.2% from May 2023.

  • FIA EPTA Response to the IOSCO consultation report - Evolution in the Operation, Governance and Business Models of Exchanges: Regulatory Implications and Good Practices

    The trend towards the de-mutualization of exchanges that began in the early 2000s has resulted in the most significant European exchanges being for-profit organisations. There has also been substantial consolidation amongst exchanges in Europe arising from acquisitions by other exchanges. Furthermore, there have been acquisitions by exchanges of entities not involved or only peripherally involved in exchange-type activities resulting in a significant dilution of the importance of revenues arising from execution fees to the overall revenues of the groups operating these exchanges.

  • FIA EPTA response to the FCA Consultation Paper on Extending the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) regime to Portfolio Management (CP24/8**)

    FIA EPTA members welcome the actions and responsibilities taken by the FCA, FIA EPTA members believe that the sustainability disclosure requirements are important and needed to build trust in ESG/Sustainable products and help (end)investors make meaningful investment decisions.