Dodd-Frank led to a wide swath of new regulations that market participants have sought to understand as they seek to comply with them.
CONTINUE READINGToday, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) updated its list of recognised third-country central counterparties (CCPs) to include the Chicago Merchantile Exchange (CME).
CONTINUE READINGOn March 15, the European Commission adopted the long-awaited decision on the equivalence of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s clearing rules, paving the way for U.S. clearinghouses to seek recognition in the European Union and easing uncertainty around cross-border trading between Europe and the U.S.
CONTINUE READINGOn April 6, the International Organization of Securities Commissions published a report on cyber resilience in securities markets.
CONTINUE READINGOn April 28, FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken warned members of Congress that the capital required to meet the new leverage ratio requirements will make it more difficult for banks to provide clearing services to end-users.
CONTINUE READINGToday, the European Commission implemented regulation to extend the deadline for exposures to qualifying central counterparties (QCCPs).
CONTINUE READINGOn April 6, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released a consultation paper on several potential changes to the Basel III leverage ratio framework, including changes to the treatment of derivatives exposures.
CONTINUE READINGFIA President and CEO Walt Lukken warns of the need for balance between regulation and market innovation in his opening remarks at IDX 2016.
CONTINUE READINGThe EU's Capital Requirements Directive CRD IV has imposed a bonus cap on credit institutions and investment firms with the intention of discouraging the excessive risk-taking with client monies that contributed to the financial crisis. However, the inappropriate application of this bonus cap to principal trading firms now has the potential to result in the perverse effect of actually increasing risk, whilst hurting market quality.
CONTINUE READINGA few years ago, Simon Vincent, now of FIS, and Tony Foreman of Ancoa were on their normal train commute – from Kent in southeast England to the City of London.