
Past Webinars

  • Taking stock of European regulatory developments

    In this webinar, speakers take stock of regulatory developments in Europe, including the MiFID II review and the UK’s Wholesale Market Review.

  • 2021 Annual ETD Volume Review

    Trading volume in the global exchange-traded derivatives hit 62 billion contracts in 2021, hitting a record for the fourth year in a row.

  • Gaming and regulation of events contracts

    This webinar addresses the unique authority Congress gave the CFTC in the Dodd-Frank Act to review event contracts – contracts relating to terrorism, assassination, war, gaming, and activities that are illegal under state or federal law – and to prohibit them if the CFTC determines they do not serve the public interest.

  • Isn’t it just software: Does my technology-based service or product trigger any regulatory obligations?

    In this webinar,  we discussed innovative platforms and products that challenge current regulatory regimes and that may or may not be subject to regulatory requirements based on the offering facts and circumstances. For example, we discussed prediction market, NFTs, DeFi, and A.I./automation/roboadvisors.

  • Crypto for FCM customer accounts

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Market Participants Division (MPD) (formerly the Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight) published guidance regarding the deposit of virtual (crypto) currencies by customers and holding of these currencies by futures commission merchants (FCMs) to margin customer transactions in crypto currency futures.

  • FIA Legal Opinions Refresher

    If you are an experienced user of FIA legal opinions, new to the world of FIA netting and other legal opinions for regulatory capital purposes or just curious as to why FIA maintains a library of legal opinions, tune in to this FIA webinar where experts from Clifford Chance LLP and FIA explain the types of legal opinions that FIA maintains, their structure and purpose in the context of regulatory capital requirements.

  • APAC cross border trading: challenges and opportunities

    Whether it’s inter-regional or global, there are consistent dynamics which shape the exchange traded derivatives industry. In the Asia Pacific region, some have created opportunities amidst the current uncertain environment whilst others have posed major challenges.

  • Practical advice for responding to investigations in the commodities/derivatives space

    In this webinar, a senior prosecutor from the DOJ's Market Integrity and Major Frauds unit and a senior enforcement attorney from the CFTC join a panel of Clifford Chance attorneys to discuss and analyze recent cases and various hypothetical scenarios of investigation to assist in-house counsel in identifying potential pitfalls that can lead to charges.

  • Understanding the SEC’s evolving derivatives regulatory framework

    With the finalization of both the SEC’s regulatory framework for derivatives use by RICs and BDCs and the SEC’s capital, margin and segregation rules regarding security-based swaps, the OTC derivatives regulatory landscape is expected to shift yet again.

  • Regulatory developments in the Asia-Pacific region

    The Asia-Pacific region has seen a few significant regulatory developments in recent years which have affected the exchange traded derivatives marketplace. From China’s steps to open its market to the increase in ESG regulations and the growing proliferation of digital assets, commercial and legal practices need to be realigned to fit this dynamic environment.