The European T+1 Industry Task Force, comprising 21 trade associations involved in European capital markets, has published a report titled "High-level Roadmap for Adoption of T+1 in EU Securities Markets."
CONTINUE READINGFIA EPTA response to the first section of ESMA’s Third Consultation Package on MiFIR Level 2 measures. This package includes proposed changes to RTS 1, the Liquid Market definition and equity CTP input/output requirements. FIA EPTA’s response is confined to the proposals regarding SI equity pre-trade transparency in RTS 1.
CONTINUE READINGFIA EPTA has released its policy recommendations for 2024-29, under the title Tide of Change: Enhancing Liquidity Provision to the European Economy. The EU urgently needs to bolster its capital markets to achieve its strategic objectives for a safe, green and prosperous future for its citizens. To grasp the opportunities ahead and ensure the success of the Savings and Investment Union, the EU needs capital markets with deep and diverse liquidity.
CONTINUE READINGFIA EPTA members are generally supportive of ESMA’s proposed changes to the RTS on synchronisation of business clocks. In relation to the proposed extension of the clock synchronisation requirements to new entities, in general, we agree with the proposed accuracy levels for APAs, SIs, DPEs and CTPs subject to one exception: we believe that the accuracy levels for SIs with a gateway-to-gateway latency less than one millisecond should be the same as that for trading venues and their participants with the same gateway-to-gateway latency.
CONTINUE READINGFIA EPTA members believe a comprehensive consolidated tape is essential for improving the international competitiveness and accessibility of EU markets to international investors many of whom currently find EU markets too complex and opaque. A comprehensive low cost, real-time, pre-trade CT will support transparency, ameliorate fragmentation and will support liquidity and investor confidence, strengthening EU financial markets.
CONTINUE READINGAs high-volume consumers of a variety of wholesale market data products, our members support regulatory efforts to bring more transparency to market data pricing and fairness to commercial practices. We welcome ESMA’s efforts to strengthen this framework through the proposals set out in the consultation paper and draft RTS. In order for these proposals to be effective in practice, supervisory convergence is essential particularly regarding scrutiny of data providers’ approach to implementing the fees, costs and margin provisions. Adequate supervision and enforcement of this RTS across all NCAs is also essential for it to be effective.
CONTINUE READINGOur members support the objectives of the MiFIR Review to enhance pre and post trade transparency in non-equity instruments. Our members believe that fully operative and genuine post-trade transparency provides significant advantages for both retail and institutional investors such as better, more reliable pricing, lower transaction costs and better liquidity across all trade sizes, including the largest sized block trades.
CONTINUE READINGFIA European Principal Traders Association is pleased to announce that Sandra Burggraf, Senior Policy Advisor – Prudential Regulation & Risk, has been appointed to the European Banking Authority’s Banking Stakeholder Group (EBA BSG).
CONTINUE READINGThe trend towards the de-mutualization of exchanges that began in the early 2000s has resulted in the most significant European exchanges being for-profit organisations. There has also been substantial consolidation amongst exchanges in Europe arising from acquisitions by other exchanges. Furthermore, there have been acquisitions by exchanges of entities not involved or only peripherally involved in exchange-type activities resulting in a significant dilution of the importance of revenues arising from execution fees to the overall revenues of the groups operating these exchanges.
CONTINUE READINGFIA EPTA has responded to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s public consultation on changes to its approach to enforcement investigations. The proposed changes include the FCA publicly announcing the opening of an investigation and disclosing the identity of the subject of the investigation where it considers this to be in the public interest. While the associations support the FCA’s commitment to making its activities more transparent, they are concerned that the proposed approach will be detrimental to the orderly functioning of UK capital markets with limited value to public interest.
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