
FIA EPTA releases its policy recommendations for the new EU political mandate

Strong liquidity provision critical for enhancing capital flows to EU economy

5 September 2024

FIA EPTA has released its policy recommendations for 2024-29, under the title Tide of Change: Enhancing Liquidity Provision to the European Economy.

The EU urgently needs to bolster its capital markets to achieve its strategic objectives for a safe, green and prosperous future for its citizens. To grasp the opportunities ahead and ensure the success of the Savings and Investment Union, the EU needs capital markets with deep and diverse liquidity.

FIA EPTA’s policy recommendations prioritise strong liquidity provision as the base of competitive European capital markets that can foster greater economic security in Europe. FIA EPTA proposes concrete actions in three areas:

  1. Strengthening the EU single market for capital through stronger supervisory convergence and more centralised supervision.
  2. Enhancing the attractiveness and global competitiveness of EU markets by setting clear competitiveness objectives, including through simplified regulation.
  3. Unlocking EU capital market liquidity by implementing targeted regulatory reforms focusing on greater market transparency and more proportionate prudential rules.

“Bold and comprehensive policy action is needed to grasp the clear opportunities we see for EU capital markets to take on a leading global position.” says Piebe Teeboom, Secretary General of FIA EPTA.  “Strong liquidity provision by Principal Trading Firms is a critical component for achieving this.” He adds, “Our members stand ready to support the next major push forward to revitalise EU capital markets markets as an engine for economic security and growth for the Union”.

FIA EPTA’s manifesto reiterates a strong commitment to working together with EU policymakers to strengthen EU capital markets and ensuring EU capital markets serve civil society, drive economic security and growth, and enhance the EU’s global competitiveness.

Read the paper in full


  • EPTA
  • FIA European Principal Traders Association
  • Market Structure
  • Prudential Regulation