
MarketVoice News

  • People News - July/August 2019

    Appointments, promotions and other people news in the derivatives industry

  • Futures industry cricket tournament raises funds for medical research

    Fresh from the England cricket team’s world cup victory, fans of the game got another fix in July when organisations from across the futures industry took part in a full-day, six-a-side cricket tournament to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Braving record-breaking temperatures in the City of London, teams from Euronext, Intertrader, Interxion, INTL FCStone, KRM22 and the London Metal Exchange competed in the third annual David Setters Trophy where, after a round-robin tournament, Interxion and Euronext faced each other in a closely contested final. Interxion went on to be crowned the winners.

  • European Commission equivalence moves raise market access concerns

    Recent moves by the European Commission, including the repeal of some existing equivalency decisions and a communication stating the re-evaluation of its approach to markets outside the European Union, have some concerned about the future of U.K. access as the chance of a "no deal" Brexit on Oct. 31 seems increasingly likely.

  • Corvil deal to bring increased transparency, data to Pico clients

    Pico, a provider of data center infrastructure, exchange connectivity and cloud technology, is set to acquire Corvil, a provider of network performance real-time analytics, in a deal that will provide clients with greater visibility into their managed trading environment.

  • 2019 shaping up to be a big year for Chinese equity index futures

    CFFEX is running far ahead of the previous year thanks to re-normalization

  • Tradeweb shows commitment to community service

    It's been a big year for Tradeweb Markets. The electronic trading platform officially became a public company after a very successful initial public offering, and average daily volume at Tradeweb topped $665 billion in April to notch the second-highest total on record. Change and growth is always a constant in financial markets. But after more than 20 years in operation, Tradeweb is the same old company in one important way: Its longstanding commitment to charitable giving and community service.

  • CFTC advances two proposals amending oversight of non-U.S. clearinghouses

    At an open meeting on July 11, the five members of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission voted unanimously to release a proposed rulemaking designed to create a less burdensome regulatory regime for foreign clearinghouses that clear swaps for U.S. customers. The proposal, which now will be published for public comment, would allow clearinghouses in other parts of the world to offer their swap clearing services to institutional investors and other "eligible contract participants" so long as they fall below a certain threshold of importance to the U.S. financial system. They would still be required to register with the CFTC, but the CFTC's oversight would be limited to customer protection issues.

  • Special Report: CFTC advances two proposals amending oversight of non-U.S. clearinghouses

    At an open meeting on July 11, the five members of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission voted unanimously to release a proposed rulemaking designed to create a less burdensome regulatory regime for foreign clearinghouses that clear swaps for U.S. customers.

  • People News - June/July 2019

    Appointments, promotions and other people news in the derivatives industry

  • Ex CFTC Chief: Facebook's Libra project highlights need for new digital assets regime

    Facebook's plans to create its own digital currency raises a number of important questions for U.S. policymakers and highlights the need for a comprehensive response to the rise of digital assets, according to a former chairman of the U.S. agency that oversees derivatives markets.