
MarketVoice News

  • Premium turnover in Indian options hits $150 billion

    In March, the turnover in index options on NSE India was equivalent to 61% of the turnover in index options on CBOE, Nasdaq and other US options exchanges. When ETF options are included, the NSE India turnover was equivalent to 43% of the comparable contracts in the US.

  • US options industry leaders wrestle with constraints on growth 

    Investors are flocking to so-called "zero day" options and investors are calling for longer trading hours so they can trade in the evenings and on weekends. Both trends could lead to further growth in trading volumes, but at a cost. Industry executives warn that longer trading hours will increase the operational burden on brokers, clearing firms, market makers and exchanges. The same challenge arises with adding more expirations to support the zero day trend; the industry is already dealing with a huge number of contracts and adding more will put further strain on its capacity.  

  • Exchange leaders caution options industry on zero day expansion plans

    Senior executives for two of the largest market operators in the US options industry sounded a note of caution on the boom in the trading of options with zero days to expiration, saying that brokers and exchanges should carefully consider the costs and benefits before extending this trend into single stock options.

  • CFTC advances event contract proposal in contentious meeting

    On 10 May, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission voted 3-2 to advance a highly anticipated and contentious proposed rule regarding event contracts. The proposed rule advanced with the support of CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam and Commissioners Kristin Johnson and Christy Goldsmith Romero. Republican Commissioners Summer Mersinger and Caroline Pham raised significant concerns about the proposal during an open meeting and opposed the proposed rule.  

  • LME nickel futures - bouncing back

    In the two years after the London Metal Exchange was forced to close its nickel market and cancel $12 billion in trades, the exchange has worked hard to win back the confidence of market participants through a number of reforms. Trading volumes are rising again, but open interest has not fully recovered, and two new competitors have emerged.

  • Derivatives industry moving to “Cloud 2.0”: Google’s Bhat 

    Industry experts discuss the structural shifts they are seeing as the derivatives industry moves to modernise its markets. 

  • People news – March/April 2024 

    Appointments, promotions, and other people news in the derivatives industry 

  • Viewpoint – Treasury clearing, portfolio margining and white whales

    There are tales in literature and lore of protagonists who obsess over certain quests but who are never able to obtain their elusive capture. For King Arthur, it was the Holy Grail. For Ahab, it was Moby Dick. For Casey’s at bat, it was the homerun. And for me, it’s portfolio margining of cash and futures in the US Treasury market. With the recent mandate by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to clear certain treasuries and repos, this goal is again coming into focus.

  • CFTC advisory committee examines CCP resilience, FCM concentration and Treasury basis trade

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Market Risk Advisory Committee, a group consisting of representatives from exchanges, intermediaries, end-users and advocacy groups, held an open meeting on 9 April to discuss a wide range of current policy issues and market trends.

  • People news – February/March 2024  

    Appointments, promotions and other people news in the derivatives industry