

  • FIA PTG makes the case for Congressional oversight over CAT funding

    FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) has published an essay calling for Congressional oversight over Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) funding. FIA PTG cites dramatically spiraling costs – both historical and ongoing, persistent budget overruns, and a model that lacks incentives to manage costs, as the rationale for this appeal.

  • FIA PTG supports FINRA US Treasury trade dissemination proposal

    In a letter filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) supported FINRA’s US Treasury trade dissemination proposal. FIA PTG also raised concerns with two Treasury market structure proposals currently pending at the SEC – the clearing and dealer proposals.

  • FIA PTG responds to Nasdaq PHLX proposal to add additional order types

    In a letter filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) opposed Nasdaq PHLX’s proposal to establish new “Contra Midpoint Only” and “Contra Midpoint Only with Post-Only” order types. 

  • FIA PTG responds for the third time to FINRA proposal to add IntelligentCross ATS to the Alternative Display Facility

    In a letter filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) again opposed a proposal to add IntelligentCross ATS as a new entrant to FINRA’s Alternative Display Facility.

  • FIA PTG, FIA EPTA support IOSCO efforts to develop digital assets framework

    The FIA European Traders Association (FIA EPTA) and the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) have responded to the Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Crypto and Digital Asset Markets Consultation.

  • FIA PTG urges SEC to reject proposed CAT funding model

    In a letter filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to the Amendment to the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) urged the SEC to reject the latest proposed Funding Model. FIA PTG said the CAT requires a fundamental change to its governance and transparency model.

  • FIA PTG Responds to Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity Expansion Proposal

    In a letter filed today with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in response to the Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity Expansion Proposal (Reg SCI), the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) said that the SEC has not justified expanding Reg SCI to broker-dealers nor has it adequately considered alternatives and the impact on competition.

  • FIA PTG Responds to SEC Cybersecurity Risk Management Proposal

    In a letter filed today with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in response to the Risk Management Proposal, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) recommended that the SEC prioritize critical operations as focus of rule scope and requirements; take into account firm attributes, market structure and service provider due diligence mechanisms as part of reasonably designed policies and procedures; leverage the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) for incident reporting and threat analysis; eliminate public disclosure requirements and associated risk in favor of Reg S-P customer notifications; and address implementation and enforcement concerns in the adopting release.

  • FIA PTG responds to FTC Non-Compete Clause Rulemaking

    In a letter filed today with the Federal Trade Commission, the FIA Principal Traders Group responded to the proposed Non-Compete Clause Rulemaking which would effectively prohibit the use of non-compete clauses. FIA PTG cautioned that proprietary software, and the innovative source code that runs it, is key to many FIA PTG members’ success as liquidity providers. Accordingly, this Proposal if implemented as proposed would limit their ability to protect their intellectual property from disclosure to competitors and potentially jeopardize the liquidity they are able to provide.

  • FIA PTG Responds to TSX Alpha Exchange Proposed Amendments to add Additional Order Books

    In a letter filed with TMX Group, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) commented on Alpha Exchange’s recently proposed amendments to their Alpha Trading Policy Manual to introduce two new order books and to make changes to their order processing delay.