

  • FIA EPTA response to the FCA Consultation Paper on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Consultation Paper on on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels. FIA EPTA members agree with the proposed scope of firms, products and distributors, and want to highlight the importance of transparency in the trust in the transition.

  • FIA EPTA’s Response to ESMA’s Consultation Paper on Market Outages

    FIA EPTA members are supportive of the work being done by ESMA on market outages, particularly efforts to require trading venues to publish clear comprehensive outages plans on an ex-ante basis. Market resilience is at the core of efficient and competitive financial markets and it is imperative that trading venues clearly outline a well-planned approach to communication and management in the event of a market outage to provide certainty to market participants.

  • FIA EPTA response to CP 22/18 on Guidance on the trading venue perimeter

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to respond to the FCA’s Consultation Paper 22/18 on Guidance on the trading venue perimeter. FIA EPTA memberswelcome the FCA’s proposed guidance and are generally in agreement with the FCA’s intended approach the FCA, which we consider to be proportionate and providing for an appropriate degree of clarity to market participants regarding whether the FCA would characterise a specific system as multilateral or not.

  • FIA EPTA response to the Call for Evidence of the UK Government’s approach to delivering its net zero target: The Net Zero Review

    FIA EPTA members welcome the actions and responsibilities taken by the UK Government during COP26 in Glasgow and the work toward the common goals of reaching climate neutrality in 2050. FIA EPTA is committed to supporting policymakers and regulators in ensuring the success of the sustainable finance project at all levels of the capital market ecosystem. With a balanced approach, FIA EPTA members believe it will benefit the long-term stability and attractiveness of the UK capital markets. 

  • Enabling the Transition; FIA EPTA member’s commitment to supporting the transition toward sustainable capital markets

    Today, FIA EPTA published a paper on the importance of Secondary Markets for the transition towards sustainable capital markets.  FIA EPTA believes the key to a successful green transition are the secondary markets because they enable asset holders to buy or sell ESG products on behalf of end-investors, insurance holders, or pension participants. Market makers provide liquidity and choice to investment managers to adjust their portfolios, pursue their trading & investment strategies and manage their risk, at low cost and with ease globally.

  • FIA EPTA response to ESMA’s Call for Evidence on Pre-hedging (ESMA70-449-672)

    FIA EPTA welcomes ESMA’s intention to provide more clarity, via future Level 3 guidance, regarding pre-hedging practices in RFQ markets. European RFQ markets have seen significant growth and development over the past years and we believe clarity on the situations where pre-hedging may be inappropriate (or not) will contribute to the greater efficiency and reliability of these markets for all participants.

  • FIA EPTA response to the FCA’s CP22/12 on Improving Equity Secondary Markets

    FIA EPTA is appreciative to the FCA for taking the lead in designing an improved post-trade transparency regime which should benefit the efficiency and competitiveness of UK capital markets. FIA EPTA members found broad support for the FCA’s proposals and found them to be mostly welcome enhancements to the current approach to post-trade transparency.

  • FIA EPTA Response to IOSCOs Decentralised Finance (DeFi) paper

    In the paper, IOSCO lays out a general overview of the DeFi space, and some of the challenges and risks regulators see. FIA EPTA and its members are becoming part of the DeFi space and are pleased to see the growing interest from policymakers and regulators. One of the key challenges that the IOSCO paper tried to tackle is defining what DeFi is, this is also an issue faced by market participants as there is no general view on DeFi yet.

  • FIA EPTA response to the EBA Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework. In 2019 FIA EPTA established a Sustainable Finance Committee for its member firms to explore how liquidity providers can contribute to the green transition. It is FIA EPTA’s view that sustainable finance offers a great promise in unlocking investment capital that is essential for fighting climate change and mitigating its impact for citizens.

  • FIA EPTA response to IOSCO Consultation Report CR04/22: Exchange Traded Funds – Good Practices for Consideration

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to comment on IOSCO’s proposed good practices, which we generally welcome. FIA EPTA supports open, fair, transparent and competitive markets. These principles have informed our responses. For example, we believe it is critical to ensure funds’ AP selection processes remain fair and open to new entrants, as this ultimately benefits end-investors and market resilience.