
Commodities archive

  • Experts focus on traceability in commodity markets

    FIA Expo panelists discuss traceability, the increase in US crude oil exports, and future trends.

  • US energy producers reduce hedging to capture upside from higher prices

    US oil and gas producers are reducing the amount of protection they are buying against the risk of falling prices, according to an analysis of public disclosures by Wood Mackenzie, the consulting firm.

  • Commentary – Three FERC manipulation fact patterns energy traders should watch

    David Applebaum, a partner at the law firm of Jones Day and the former director of the Division of Investigations at FERC, will be moderating a panel at the Commodities Forum dedicated to FERC enforcement and regulatory initiatives. MarketVoice asked David to distill some of the FERC enforcement trends that should be top-of-mind for traders and compliance departments.

  • CFTC Agricultural Advisory Committee focuses on important role of FCMs 

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Agricultural Advisory Committee held a discussion on 19 July on improving access to futures markets for agricultural end-users as well as a presentation about Mississippi River disruptions to grain flows and markets.  

  • FIA Leipzig forum focuses on energy crisis, commodities regulation 

    Market participants and regulators gathered in Leipzig to discuss the crucial issues affecting the European energy and commodity markets 

  • China progresses with Futures and Derivatives Law implementing rules

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission has issued several draft regulations for consultation in recent months to enhance and modernise China's derivatives markets.

  • EMIR 3.0 under the spotlight at FIA Forum Brussels 

    Regulators and market participants came together at the FIA Forum Brussels to discuss the latest developments in the cleared derivatives markets in Europe.

  • FIA responds to EC consultation on REMIT

    FIA, jointly with FIA EPTA and ISDA, has responded to the European Commission’s “Have your Say” on Wholesale energy markets – improving EU protection against market manipulation. This review of REMIT is being discussed by co-legislators alongside a review of the EU’s Electricity Market Design. In the response, the associations voice their concerns regarding several of the draft amendments in the legislative proposal.

  • Data Spotlight - SGX iron ore futures set volume record

    Iron ore futures listed on the Singapore Exchange are becoming one of the most important commodity futures contracts in the world.  In 2022, the total number of iron ore 62% futures traded through SGX reached a record 25 million contracts. That was up 38% from the previous year and almost double the level five years ago.  

  • Viewpoint - What farmers and airlines can teach us about risk management

    In the wake of the SVB collapse, some believe more regulation is the answer. But a better topic of debate should be how to develop a culture of risk management at organizations that stretches from the boardroom to the mailroom, and protects businesses against shocks and disruptions.