
Americas News

The latest industry and regulatory news affecting North and South America.

  • FIA special report: CFTC discusses high-frequency trading

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission hosted a lengthy discussion of high-frequency trading at a public meeting of its Technology Advisory Committee on June 20.

  • FIA publishes order handling Risk Management recommendations for Executing Brokers

    Building on recent FIA publications, including Market Access Risk Management Recommendations (April 2010) and Recommendations for Risk Controls for Trading Firms (November 2010), this document offers a number of recommendations for executing firms to consider both in designing policies for their own brokers that handle orders electronically and in dealing with customers that access the markets through a broker’s trading platform.

  • Panel provides perspectives on high frequency trading and Its overall impact on the market

    The FIA Information Technology Division brought together a panel of expert practitioners on Sept. 1 to discuss high-frequency trading, explore common misperceptions about its impact on the exchange-traded markets, and explain its role in providing liquidity.

  • FIA comments on regulatory responses to the May 2010 Flash Crash

    The FIA on July 28 submitted a comment letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission expressing its views on certain regulatory initiatives recommended by a joint advisory committee established by the two agencies in response to the market events of May 2010, also known as the “flash crash.”

  • FIA PTG recommends risk controls for trading firms

    The FIA Principal Traders Group today released a report setting out a number of recommended risk controls for trading firms that have direct access to exchange matching engines.

  • FIA issues direct market access recommendations

    The FIA has issued a report that recommends a number of principles for managing the risks in direct access to exchanges.