

Insights and opinions from key FIA staff

  • Viewpoint - Community in a time of need

    FIA President & CEO Walt Lukken reflects on the meaning of community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Viewpoint: News from the Laundry Room

    Greetings to FIA members from my home office on Capitol Hill where I split my days between my makeshift offices in my laundry room and basement.  It’s certainly not glamorous but the good news is that I can simultaneously advocate for our markets while knocking off a couple of loads of laundry.

  • Viewpoint - Amid Asia's record growth, remember customers come first

    These markets were created to serve Main Street businesses, energy companies, pension funds, agricultural producers and lenders who need to manage risk and discover prices. And it's when our industry thinks of itself as an "industry" first and loses sight of our customers that we get into trouble.

  • CEO Insight - Advocacy is only part of the picture at FIA

    Through technology and operational solutions, FIA helps improve the efficiency and resilience of derivatives markets

  • Viewpoint - Why regulators and entrepreneurs must work together

    I don't want to sound like a cranky old man on a porch, but flabbidy-flew, the world is changing fast. As the chart in this column shows, the pace of technological adoption is accelerating rapidly, and we now have access to inventions that previous generations could only dream about.

  • Viewpoint - Derivatives markets demand a global approach

    As I write this in early November, I am preparing for a trip to Beijing and Singapore, and I only just returned from a trip to Chicago. I can’t help but think about the connections that link our global markets together. I start with Scandinavia. As I am sure many of you know, a large default took place in September in the power derivatives market operated by Nasdaq. Nasdaq has published several FAQs regarding the default and is conducting an in-depth analysis of that incident, so it would be premature to jump to conclusions. However, this incident has caused ripples far beyond that marketplace.

  • CEO Insight: A Full Set of CFTC Commissioners Is Good for Everyone

    The summer is usually a quiet time here in Washington, D.C. but this year proved to be an exception. Right at the end of August, the Senate confirmed Dawn DeBerry Stump and Dan M. Berkovitz to fill the remaining two open spots on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. This is very good news for the CFTC and for our industry. Dawn Stump brings decades of experience in public policy matters to the CFTC having held senior roles at the House and Senate Agriculture Committees as well as NYSE Euronext and FIA itself. Dan Berkovitz is equally qualified, having served as general counsel at the CFTC, a partner at the law firm of Wilmer Hale, and a senior staff lawyer for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

  • Insight: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

    Ten years ago, I found myself right at the heart of one of the worst financial crises our generation has ever seen. In March 2008, I was serving as the acting head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the warning lights on our market risk monitors were flashing red.

  • Insight: The Dark Side of Innovation

    FIA has always been a champion of innovation.

  • Insight: FIA's Roadmap to Smarter Regulation and Healthier Markets

    We’ve all heard the saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” Nearly a decade since the financial crisis, we are finally getting a chance to put this adage into practice.