

  • Foreign futures market access for U.S. investors

    Join us on October 25 to discuss the history and policy of CFTC regulations that permit non-US firms to offer access to foreign futures markets to US customers, including a discussion of fund segregation standards.

  • FIA joins industry associations on cyber risk programs

    In response to a survey of chief information security officers from financial institutions that indicated nearly 40% of their time was spent on compliance and reconciling competing, duplicative, redundant, and inefficient cybersecurity supervisory examinations, the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council (FSSCC) led a group of financial trade associations today in unveiling a new Cybersecurity Profile.

  • FIA EPTA comments on ESMA Consultation Paper in relation to tick sizes for third-country instruments

    FIA EPTA agrees with ESMA’s suggestion to recalibrate the tick-size regime for instruments where the main pool of liquidity is located outside the EU (third country instruments).

  • Freightwaves named FIA Innovator of the Year

    FIA announced today that Freightwaves has been named the FIA Innovator of the Year at FIA Expo. Freightwaves will receive more than $20,000 in marketing support, cash and other resources.

  • FIA statement on Basel Committee’s consultation on capital

    FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken today made the following statement regarding the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s announcement of a consultation on the leverage ratio treatment of client cleared derivatives.

  • One-on-One with CFTC Commissioner Berkovitz

    Dan Berkovitz joined FIA president and CEO Walt Lukken in a fireside chat at his first FIA conference since being sworn in as Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. In addition to learning more about Dan’s background, the Expo audience also heard the Commissioner share his thoughts on the key developments impacting regulation of derivatives markets in the U.S. and across the globe.

  • CFTC Keynote Address - Expo 2018

    Chairman Giancarlo’s keynote address will provide an overview of the regulatory agenda for listed and cleared derivatives markets in the U.S. and global regulatory landscape.

  • Giancarlo warns CFTC could retaliate against potential European regulatory overreach

    CFTC Chairman Chris Giancarlo criticized potential regulatory overreach by the European Union that would affect U.S. derivatives markets in a keynote speech at FIA's annual Futures & Options Expo in Chicago on Oct. 17.

  • Lukken Opening Remarks at FIA Expo 2018

    Chicago, IL – FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken today made opening remarks at the 34th annual FIA Expo. Mr. Lukken’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, follows: Welcome everyone to the 34th annual FIA Expo in the city where the modern derivatives industry began—Chicago...

  • Shattering the Glass Ceiling

    When it comes to gender diversity in the futures and derivatives industry, perception is reality. That was the key takeaway at a special panel discussion at FIA's Futures & Options Expo in Chicago on Wednesday, Oct. 17. The six highly successful women who participated in FIA's "Shattering the Glass Ceiling" panel all shared personal stories of professional growth and success, proving there are indeed paths to leadership in the industry right now. But they all conceded that each of their professional journeys were driven by self-confidence, risk-taking and mentorship that helped them reach their full potential -- factors that helped them overcome the doubts that can hold some women back.