

  • The impending EU CCP recovery and resolution regime and its impact on EU and non-EU firms

    On 24 September, representatives from Allen & Overy's Global Financial Services Regulatory and Bankruptcy practice in London and New York provided an overview of the EU legislative framework for the recovery and resolution of CCPs operating in the EU, which has now been finalized.

  • FIA PTG supports Cboe compression orders proposal

    In a letter submitted to the SEC today, FIA PTG supported the Cboe’s proposal to add an electronic compression component to its existing compression forum.

  • Response by the FIA EPTA to the FCA Discussion Paper on a new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on its Discussion Paper regarding the implementation of the new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms. Market making and liquidity provision (also referred to as principal trading or dealing on own account) is a distinct activity that is undertaken by non-systemic investment firms rather than banks, in a highly dispersed and varied ecosystem of independent Principal Trading Firms.

  • ETD Volume - August 2020

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives was 3.72 billion contracts in the month of August, down 3.4% from the previous month but up 9.4% from August 2019.

  • FIA EPTA response to the European Commission consultation on the re-bundling of research and execution costs under the MiFID II quickfix

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed MiFID II Quick-fix rules in relation to research on companies seeking alternative financing. Overall, FIA EPTA members believe that the unbundling rules laid out in MiFID II removed an important source for conflicts of interest and has reinforced the independence of research. We note that the market has fully implemented and adapted to research unbundling with clients now accustomed to receiving disaggregated cost information that differentiates between costs attributable to research from those related to execution.

  • FIA releases surveillance and market abuse guidelines

    London, UK – FIA today released new guidelines to assist market participants in fulfilling obligations set by UK and European regulators in relation to surveillance and market abuse requirements.

  • FIA statement on CFTC MRAC subcommittee report on climate change

    FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken today made the following statement on the release of the CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory (MRAC) subcommittee report on market risks related to climate change

  • August 2020 SEF trading activity

    Trading volume on SEFs reached $529.4 billion in average notional value per day during August 2020. Trading was down in every category with the exception of FX and non-FRA products.

  • Consolidated response by FIA EPTA to the EBA consultations on IFR/IFD Level 2

    FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Banking Authority (EBA) on the implementation of the new regulatory framework for investments firms (IFR/IFD). FIA EPTA has consistently welcomed the new prudential regime for investment firms contained in the Investment Firm Regulation and Directive (IFR/IFD), which is aimed at creating a tailored and proportionate prudential framework for firms such as those we represent.

  • FIA Responds to EBA on draft regulatory technical standards under IFR

    FIA has responded to the EBA consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) related to implementation of a new prudential regime for investment firms in the EU.