

  • FIA supports China’s historic Futures Law

    FIA submitted comments to China’s National People’s Congress in support of the new draft Futures Law, noting this historic milestone will help to develop a more robust and liquid futures market for both Chinese and international customers.

  • FIA EPTA, ISDA and FIA joint response to the European Commission's targeted consultation on the functioning of the European Supervisory Authorities

    The Associations consider that supervisory convergence and the removal of cross-border impediments should be the primary focus of the ESAs. Should further direct powers be considered for ESMA, the Associations support a targeted approach and suggest several areas where ESMA has a strong and direct role to play. The Associations have been fully supportive of the creation of the ESAs, which have played a crucial role in developing EU financial markets and we applaud the ESAs for all their achievements over the past 10 years. The ESAs will continue to be vital in the furtherance of an effective Capital Markets Union (CMU), and we will be working closely with the European Commission and the ESAs on an ongoing basis to continue to evolve safe and efficient EU capital markets.

  • FIA supports 12 month extension to QCPP transitional period

    FIA has responded to the European Commission’s consultation on the Implementing Regulation to extend the qualifying central counterparty (QCCP) transitional period under the Capital Requirements Regulation II (CRR). FIA fully supports the extension, which will avoid disruption to international financial markets.

  • FIA, ISDA and FIA EPTA support supervisory convergence for European Supervisory Authorities

    FIA, ISDA and FIA EPTA have jointly responded to the European Commission's targeted consultation on the functioning of the European Supervisory Authorities, which seeks to take stock of supervisory convergence and how the EU’s single rulebook works in practice. The results of the consultation will feed into a report reviewing the ESAs.

  • UK/EU – Rebuilding a relationship

    The Brexit divorce was a long-drawn-out process which laid bare tensions over how best to oversee derivatives markets and enable continued cross border market access. The MoU between the UK and the EU is now complete but mutual equivalence appears a long way off.

  • FIA joins other trade organizations to publish the UK version of the SFTR Article 15 Information Statement

    The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), the Futures Industry Association (FIA), the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) and the International Securities Lending Association (ISLA) have jointly published an updated statement that can be used to help market participants comply with Article 15 of the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation as it forms part of ‘retained EU law’ as defined in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (UK SFTR).

  • ETD Volume - April 2021

    Worldwide volume of exchange-traded derivatives was 4.49 billion contracts in the month of April, down 19.3% from the previous month but up 35% from April 2020.

  • Anti-money laundering considerations for security and commodity derivatives

    In 2018, the CFTC Division of Enforcement established a Bank Secrecy Act task force dedicated to investigating and enforcing AML regulations. In October 2019, the CFTC, the SEC and FINCEN issued a joint statement highlighting the importance of AML compliance in matters involving securities, commodities, derivatives and digital assets.

  • FIA PTG opposes latest Consolidated Audit Trail funding proposal

    In a letter filed with the SEC today, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) urged the Commission not to approve the amended Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) funding proposal.

  • FIA EPTA Letter to Central Bank of Ireland CP on Enhancing Engagement with Stakeholders

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Central Bank of Ireland Consultation Paper on Enhancing our Engagement with Stakeholders. On behalf of FIA EPTA’s Irish and other members, we would like to express our continued appreciation of the CBI's open and constructive dialogue with our industry. FIA EPTA members believe that proposals 2 and 3 in the Consultation Paper are important initiatives that will strengthen the relationship between the CBI and wider financial markets stakeholders.