

  • Lukken Opening remarks: IDX 2021 The Power of the Human Connection

    Mr. Lukken’s remarks are as prepared for delivery,

  • FIA EPTA response to the HM Treasury Consultation Paper on the Wholesale Markets Review

    The FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the HM Treasury Consultation Paper regarding the Wholesale Markets Review.  FIA EPTA agrees that the breadth of the current definition of a ‘multilateral system’ has created ambiguity about the regulatory perimeter which should be clarified. This has been particularly acute for brokers arranging transactions over the phone (so called “voice brokers”) and technology firms innovating new ways of bringing together buying and selling interests.

  • CCP recovery and resolution comparative review between FSB, EU and UK frameworks

    FIA and ISDA have initiated a comparative review produced by Allen & Overy between the EU, UK and FSB CCP recovery and resolution frameworks. The UK framework includes HMT’s proposals for an expanded resolution regime (February 2021).

  • FIA contributes comments to UK HM Treasury’s Wholesale Markets Review

    FIA commented on the HM Treasury’s (HMT) Wholesale Markets review as part of the UK government’s efforts to establish how UK markets should adapt following the UK’s departure from the EU.

  • Understanding the SEC’s evolving derivatives regulatory framework

    With the finalization of both the SEC’s regulatory framework for derivatives use by RICs and BDCs and the SEC’s capital, margin and segregation rules regarding security-based swaps, the OTC derivatives regulatory landscape is expected to shift yet again.

  • FIA and ISDA respond to ESMA’s consultations on CCP recovery & resolution

    On 20 September, FIA and ISDA jointly responded to ESMA’s seven consultations on recovery-related topics in the CCP R&R regulation (CCPRRR).

  • FIA, other trades comment on Basel consultation on cryptoassets

    FIA joined five trade associations in a response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s consultative document on the prudential treatment of cryptoassets. The associations support BCBS’s decision to engage in an iterative approach to the prudential treatment of cryptoassets. However, the associations emphasize the need to provide clarity for the banks as the client demand grows.

  • FIA EPTA response to the FCA Consultation Paper on a new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms (CP21/26***)

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on its third Consultation Paper regarding the implementation of the new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms. This document constitutes FIA EPTA’s response to the FCA’s Consultation Paper on a new UK prudential regime for MiFID investment firms (CP21/26). We welcome the FCA’s approach as set out in the Consultation Paper and agree that the FCA’s proposed rules are clear, proportionate and fit for purpose. In our response, we focus only on a limited number of areas where we believe further improvements or clarifications could be made to enable a proportionate, effective and practicable prudential regime for investment firms.

  • FIA responds to FCA on prudential regime for investment firms

    On 17 September 2021, FIA submitted a brief response to the third FCA consultation (CP21/26) on the proposed UK prudential regime for investment firms (UK IFPR).

  • Joint trade association letter to EC on equivalence and recognition of UK CCPs

    Nine industry associations (AFME, AIMA, EAPB, EBF, EFAMA, FIA, ICI, ISDA, SIFMA AMG) – representing the broadest group of market participants – have written to European Commissioner Mairead McGuinness, respectfully requesting that the European Commission (EC) extend the EC equivalence decision for UK CCPs.