

  • Trade associations raise concerns with SEC comment periods

    The FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) recently joined 24 trade associations (Associations) in a joint letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) regarding the importance of sufficient comment periods in connection with regulatory proposals.

  • FIA responds to ESMA consultation on margin procyclicality

    FIA has responded to a consultation published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) seeking input on the current calibration of the antiprocyclicality tools, and whether proposed revisions to existing Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) may be necessary.

  • FIA congratulates four new CFTC commissioners on confirmation

    Washington, DC – FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken today made the following statement on the U.S. Senate confirmation of Christy Goldsmith Romero, Kristin Johnson, Summer Kristine Mersinger, and Caroline Pham to each be commissioners at the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission:

  • FIA responds to ASX Consultation on proposed changes to the ASX Recovery Rules

    On 11 February, ASX issued its “Consultation on proposed changes to the ASX Recovery Rules to allocate US settlement bank investment losses between the ASX CCPs and their clearing participants”. The propose changes seek to address the increased investment exposure of clearing members to US settlement banks due to the inclusion of variation margin exposures in ASX Clear (Futures) overnight (2 a.m.) margin calls.

  • FIA EPTA response on the BaFin Consultation on a planned General Administrative Act regarding Futures with additional payment obligations

    FIA EPTA members would like to emphasise that we value and support the objective by BaFin to prioritise investor protection. We agree that it is of the utmost importance to ensure that financial markets are transparent and safe for retail investors. However, as said, we do not consider that banning listed futures trading for retail investors, as now proposed by BaFin, will contribute to this objective, and in our view rather the opposite.

  • FIA PTG responds to public reporting aspect of the SEC large security-based swaps proposal

    In a letter filed with the SEC (Commission) today, the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) requested the Commission eliminate the public disclosure aspect of the security-based swaps proposal and focus on regulatory reporting instead.

  • FIA responds to EU Commission on clearing review

    FIA recommends the European Commission takes into account international practices and continues the coordination of cross-border clearing and capital frameworks at an international level.

  • FIA EPTA response consultation on the review of the central clearing framework in the EU

    FIA EPTA members believe that the Commission should firstly focus on opportunities to incentivise clearing of new transactions on EU CCPs as moving legacy positions to another CCP will create issues around higher cost and increased risk of closing and re-opening the cleared position on the market. FIA EPTA members believe that harmonisation of the different EU legal frameworks for cross-border activity would be helpful as EU CCPs require complex legal structures to ensure the enforceability of their rules in a default situation.

  • FIA asks EC to expedite equivalence decisions of non-EU CCPs

    FIA has jointly with ISDA, AFME, EBF and EFAMA written to Commissioner Mairead McGuinness requesting that the European Commission expedite the review of clearing arrangements in as many non-EU jurisdictions as possible.

  • FIA releases progress report on derivatives industry standards initiative

    First set of standards will focus on processing time for allocations and give-ups