
Sustainable Finance archive

  • Clearing a path to sustainability

    In a world where expectations on corporate responsibility and transparency are increasing, companies are recognizing the need to integrate sustainability into their business strategies and policies. One company that is making strides in this area is ABN AMRO Clearing, one of the world's leading firms in the clearing of exchange-traded futures and options. The Dutch firm is determined to play a leading role in facilitating the sustainable transition of financial markets.

  • Public-private partnership advocated to advance sustainability issues

    At an FIA Expo panel discussion on Oct. 30, a diverse selection of experts offered the public sector, clearing, exchange, and corporate perspectives on sustainability issues. Despite the different backgrounds, all the panelists agreed that environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are real and urgent -- and most importantly, will require an ambitious partnership between all parts of the public and private sector.

  • VoLo Foundation uses data to fight climate change

    When David S. Vogel founded Voloridge Investment Management in 2009, he was focused on using his expertise in predictive modeling to identify winning investment strategies. The fund's strategy applied sophisticated mathematical techniques to identify patterns in market data to try to predict which way stocks and futures would move next. His fund has been remarkably successful, attracting several billion dollars in assets under management. But David’s passion for numbers extends far beyond finance and markets.

  • The EV disruption

    How the rise of electric vehicles will create pitfalls and opportunities for the derivatives industry.

  • Remarks of FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken at IDX 2019

    FIA’s President and CEO Walt Lukken today gave opening remarks at FIA’s International Derivatives Expo.

  • ESG futures catching on in Europe

    As the concept of responsible investing rises in popularity, the derivatives industry is responding. The most recent examples are in Europe, where two leading exchanges have launched futures on stock market indices that meet environmental, social and governance standards.

  • Bursa Malaysia Updates Palm Oil Futures to Support Sustainability

    The production of palm oil, the most popular vegetable oil on the planet, comes with some serious problems. In Malaysia, Indonesia and other parts of Asia, rainforests have been destroyed to create palm oil plantations, displacing endangered species and causing irreparable harm to the environment.

  • Carbon Trading in North America: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

    Getting global agreement on environmental policies is incredibly difficult. But as the history of the North American carbon market illustrates, even getting regional players on the same page is no easy task.

  • The Sun Finally Shines on Carbon Markets

    It wasn't long ago many participants in the European carbon markets thought these markets were essentially done.