In April, ICE Data Services, the rapidly growing data services arm of Intercontinental Exchange, announced the launch of a new reference data solution for clients that use ICE’s futures exchanges.
CONTINUE READINGFinancial regulators use many techniques to carry out their responsibilities.
CONTINUE READINGLiquefied natural gas is coming of age as a globally traded commodity, and the world’s futures exchanges have taken note.
CONTINUE READINGOn March 15, Chris Giancarlo, the acting chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, announced a three-pronged plan to renovate derivatives regulation that he called Project KISS, which stands for “keep it simple, stupid.”
CONTINUE READINGAs risk management continues to become an increasing priority for global markets, central clearing has emerged as a proven, transparent solution for managing counterparty risk and reducing systemic risk.
CONTINUE READINGOn April 13, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority issued a consultation on the implementation of the Basel III leverage ratio framework in Hong Kong.
CONTINUE READINGOn April 28, the Monetary Authority of Singapore issued a consultation paper to further implement OTC regulatory reform in Singapore.
CONTINUE READINGTraders have always thought in terms of tides, waves and cliffs. Soon they will be able to actually see them in the markets.
CONTINUE READINGThe World Federation of Exchanges, which represents more than 200 exchanges, clearinghouses and other market infrastructure operators, published a set of cyber-resilience standards in April.
CONTINUE READINGIn January, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued a proposal to update and modernize Rule 1.31, which sets out certain recordkeeping requirements for futures commission merchants, commodity pool operators, trading firms that are exchange members, and other market participants.