
Lukken statement on NFA President Dan Roth’s retirement

23 May 2016

Washington, D.C. — Upon the announcement that National Futures Association (NFA) President and CEO Dan Roth is retiring, FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken released the following statement thanking him for his service to the industry:

“During his three decades at NFA, Dan has been a pillar of our industry, committed to efficient markets that operate with transparency and integrity.  In his tenure as CEO, our industry has undergone extraordinary changes, and Dan’s vision and leadership helped make that transition as smooth as possible. I’ve had the privilege of working with him in a variety of roles and I value his expertise and counsel. While I congratulate him on his retirement, I’m sad to see him go.  On behalf of FIA and our membership, I thank him for his service and I wish him all the best.” 

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