
Publications & Filings

  • FIA EPTA Response to the Bank of England Consultation on the Derivatives clearing obligation

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Bank of England on its proposal to amend the derivatives clearing obligation to reflect interest rate benchmark reform. FIA EPTA has consistently supported the G20 reforms to the OTC derivatives markets, which have made these markets more open, competitive, and transparent

  • FIA submits comments to the OSE and TOCOM consultation on the introduction of derivatives holiday trading

    On 15 June, 2021, FIA responded to proposals on the “Introduction of Derivatives Holiday Trading” issued by Osaka Exchange, Inc. (OSE) and Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc. (TOCOM) (together, the “Exchange”).

  • Trade associations submit letter on CSDR mandatory buy-in rules

    On 14 July 2021, FIA and 15 other trade associations wrote to the European Securities and Markets Authority and the European Commission on the timeline for implementation of the mandatory buy-in rules as part of the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) settlement discipline regime.

  • FIA EPTA response to UK Government (BEIS) consultation on “Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance.”

    FIA EPTA members are supportive of measures to enhance transparency, corporate governance, and good market conduct and are generally supportive of many provisions in the Consultation. However, we note below the areas where we have concerns and believe further work and public consultation would be needed in order for the UK to develop an appropriate, proportionate regime that supports good corporate governance, the reputation of the UK as a good place to do business, and the competitiveness of the UK economy

  • FIA responds to European Commission's Delegated Act on AAE MiFID

    FIA responded to the European Commission consultation on a draft Delegated Act setting out details regarding the ancillary activities exemption for commodity firms under MiFID II, which was amended by the MiFID quick fix earlier this year.

  • FIA EPTA response to FCA CP21/09 on Changes to UK MIFID’s conduct and organisational requirements

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the FCA’s consultation on changes to UK MIFID’s conduct and organisational requirements with a particular view on best execution reports. We agree with the FCA assessments that, in their current form, RTS 27 (quarterly reports) and RTS 28 (annual reports) have not achieved their policy goal of enhancing investor protection or improving information on execution quality and order routing.

  • FIA submits recommendation to the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets consultation

    On June 21, FIA submitted comments and recommendations to the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets Phase II Public Consultation Report.

  • FIA and ISDA respond to HM Treasury’s CCP resolution consultation

    Members of FIA and ISDA welcome HM Treasury’s proposals for an expanded resolution regime for UK central counterparties, which, due to the UK’s active participation and contributions, are mostly in line with international guidelines and are closely aligned with the EU’s CCP recovery and resolution framework.

  • FIA EPTA publish Principles on Sustainable Finance and ESG

    FIA EPTA, representing Europe’s leading non-bank market makers and liquidity providers, published its new Principles on Sustainable Finance and ESG. FIA EPTA strongly believes that non-bank market makers and liquidity providers can play an important role in the transition towards a more sustainable financial ecosystem. The new Principles reflect the commitment by FIA EPTA and its members to support the success of Sustainable Finance and ESG initiatives at all levels of the capital markets. The principles further clarify how market makers and liquidity providers can and will contribute to achieving Europe’s Sustainable Finance goals.

  • CCP12, EACH, FIA and ISDA publish a paper to address CPMI/IOSCO category 1 topics

    In the report “Central counterparty default management auctions – Issues for consideration", the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) described issues for further industry work to consider the design and conduct of default management auctions. This paper, developed by CCP12, EACH, FIA, and ISDA, addresses several terminology and operational issues where there is broad industry consensus to support further development.