
Publications & Filings

  • FIA responds to ASX Consultation on proposed changes to the ASX Recovery Rules

    On 11 February, ASX issued its “Consultation on proposed changes to the ASX Recovery Rules to allocate US settlement bank investment losses between the ASX CCPs and their clearing participants”. The propose changes seek to address the increased investment exposure of clearing members to US settlement banks due to the inclusion of variation margin exposures in ASX Clear (Futures) overnight (2 a.m.) margin calls.

  • FIA asks EC to expedite equivalence decisions of non-EU CCPs

    FIA has jointly with ISDA, AFME, EBF and EFAMA written to Commissioner Mairead McGuinness requesting that the European Commission expedite the review of clearing arrangements in as many non-EU jurisdictions as possible.

  • FIA responds to HMT Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review: Bank of England regulation of CCPs and CSDs

    FIA recently submitted its response to HM Treasury's central counterparties and central securities depositories reform proposals under the Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review.

  • FIA responds to proposed changes to EU Capital Requirements Regulation

    FIA's response focuses on the uncertainty that the proposed new segregation condition brings for banks’ ability to offset initial margin for the purposes of calculating the exposure value under the leverage ratio framework for derivatives.

  • FIA, ISDA submit amicus brief in Kahle v. Cargill case

    FIA along with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association submitted an amicus brief, in support of defendants, in the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York. The amicus brief urges the court to grant defendants’ motion to dismiss the complaint in in Kahle v. Cargill, Inc., arguing that the swap agreement safe harbor at issue (11 U.S.C. § 546(g)) preempts state-law fraudulent-conveyance claims brought by Plaintiff, an assignee in state insolvency proceedings.

  • FIA responds to FCA and BofE on reporting, data and Trade Repositories registration

    FIA has responded to a joint consultation paper issued by the Financial Conduct Authority and Bank of England regarding changes to reporting requirements, procedures for data quality and registration of Trade Repositories under UK EMIR. The consultation sets out proposals relating to measures for mandatory delegated reporting requirements, counterparty notifications and reconciliations processes and the use of XML schemas and global identifiers based on the adoption of CPMI-IOSCO CDE recommendations.

  • FIA outlines clearing capital challenges and portability improvements in comments to CPMI & IOSCO

    FIA has responded to a consultation by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on client clearing access and portability of positions in the event of a default.

  • FIA urges balance in response to BCBS, CPMI, IOSCO consultation on margin

    FIA has responded to a consultation by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI), and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on the impact of market volatility in 2020 on central counterparties and initial margin requirements.

  • FIA submits joint response to six ESMA consultations on CCP resolution

    As part of their level-2 rulemaking, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) consulted on six topics around central counterparty (CCP) resolution.

  • FIA and ISDA submit joint response to ESMA paper on clearing thresholds under EMIR

    On 19 January, FIA and ISDA jointly submitted its respond to ESMA's Discussion Paper on the review of the clearing thresholds under EMIR.