
Publications & Filings

  • FIA urges CFTC to clarify regulation of event contracts

    FIA filed comments with the CFTC urging the agency to clarify the rules governing event contracts. FIA submitted its comment letter in response to the CFTC’s review of KalshiEx’s proposal to list contracts on which political party will be in control of each chamber of the U.S. Congress.

  • Trade associations sign letter on safeguarding the EU ETS

    FIA and seven other trade associations representing financial institutions and corporates have sent a letter to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament, calling for the proper functioning of the EU Emissions Trading System to be safeguarded. The joint letter follows harmful proposals to limit financial institutions' participation in the EU’s carbon market, which would significantly impair the efficient functioning of the EU ETS, jeopardising Europe’s decarbonisation efforts.

  • A Futures Industry Perspective - How EU Policymakers Should Respond to the Energy Crisis

    With Europe facing an extraordinary shortage of energy triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, prices for natural gas and electricity have reached record highs. FIA provides a high-level overview of the liquidity issues emerging in the futures markets and our perspective on some of the measures now under consideration to ease the impact on utilities and other firms facing extraordinarily large margin calls.

  • A Futures Industry Perspective - How EU Policymakers Should Respond to the Energy Crisis

    With Europe facing an extraordinary shortage of energy triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, prices for natural gas and electricity have reached record highs. FIA provides a high-level overview of the liquidity issues emerging in the futures markets and our perspective on some of the measures now under consideration to ease the impact on utilities and other firms facing extraordinarily large margin calls.

  • Resources and notices related to Queen Elizabeth II's state funeral

    FIA FIA created this page for members as a resource for information related to market closures caused by the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral on Monday 19 September.

  • FIA responds to ESMA consultation on cash penalty process for cleared transactions

    FIA supports ESMA’s proposals to remove the special process of collection and distribution of penalties by central counterparties for cleared transactions. This will allow for the centralisation of collection and distribution process of cash penalties for both cleared and uncleared transactions upon a single entity (central securities depository), allowing for a more straightforward and consistent approach, fully centred on the settlement step regardless of trading flow.

  • FIA joins other trades in EU benchmarks regulation review recommendations

    FIA, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA), the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), EMTA, and the Global Foreign Exchange Division (GFXD) of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) have published an updated set of recommendations in response to the European Commission’s latest consultation on reform of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.

  • CPMI-IOSCO discussion paper on non-default losses welcomed by FIA

    FIA welcomes a recent discussion paper on practices used by central counterparties to address non-default losses, such as losses from cyberattacks or system outages.

  • FIA responds to ESMA consultations on CCP Resolution Regime

    FIA has responded to three of the four consultations published by the European Securities and Markets Authority on the CCP Resolution Regime. The responses cover two mandated guidelines on the assessment of resolvability and cooperation arrangement between member states and third-country authorities, and non-mandated guidelines on the resolution plan summary. The associations did not respond to the consultation on the standard written arrangement template for the resolution college

  • FIA publishes whitepaper on role of clearing firms in futures markets

    FIA has published a whitepaper on the role of clearing firms in futures markets as a tool to help public sector stakeholders better understand how these important intermediaries support safe and efficient capital markets worldwide.