FIA's letter highlights US bank capital proposals, US Treasury clearing, evolving market structures and emerging technology/AI
CONTINUE READINGFIA and ISDA's joint letter notes the benefits of pre-hedging for derivatives market participants and the difficulty in establishing a single definition across jurisdictions and asset classes.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has submitted a response to ASX's consultation on amendments to ASX Clear operating rules, which introduce a framework for default management auctions of cleared cash market and derivatives market products.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has submitted its response to the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s consultation on provisional regulations on programmatic trading in the futures market, expressing support for the policy objectives.
CONTINUE READINGFIA and several European trade associations representing energy companies, banks, liquidity providers, market infrastructure providers and clearinghouses, have written to the European Commission expressing strong concerns over the potential inclusion of a gas price cap in the forthcoming Clean Industrial Deal and the related Action Plan on Affordable Energy Prices.
CONTINUE READINGThe EU-UK Financial Regulatory Forum is a much-valued dialogue between EU and UK regulators on regulatory changes and promoting collaboration in financial stability, sustainability and digitisation.
CONTINUE READINGFIA and the FIA Principal Traders Group have filed an amicus brief in response to another US Federal Trade Commission appeal of a prior decision involving the FTC's final rule that would have banned nearly all noncompete agreements in the US.
CONTINUE READINGFIA and FIA European Principal Traders Association remain convinced that the Financial Conduct Authority's proposals, publicly referred to as ‘naming and shaming’, are not fit for purpose in UK wholesale markets.
CONTINUE READINGFIA has submitted a response to the FCA's discussion paper on the UK transaction reporting regime, setting out ways to improve the reporting regime by streamlining reporting requirements to improve data quality and reduce the compliance cost and burden on firms.
CONTINUE READINGFIA and FIA EPTA have submitted a joint response to the FCA’s AI Input Zone consultation seeking stakeholder views on current and future uses of artificial intelligence in UK financial services, barriers to adopting AI applications, and the regulatory framework governing the use of AI within financial markets.
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