
Publications & Filings

  • FIA and FIA PTG support legal challenge of US FTC rule banning noncompete agreements

    FIA and the FIA Principal Traders Group along with several other financial services trade associations have filed an amicus brief in a second case involving the US Federal Trade Commission’s proposed rule that would ban nearly all noncompete agreements in the US.

  • FIA responds to FSB consultation on Liquidity Preparedness for Margin and Collateral Calls

    FIA’s response highlights several key points for international standard setters to consider including the importance of margin transparency and simulation tools from Central Counterparties for NBFIs and the need for a balanced regulatory approach to ensure compliance with FSB recommendations without overburdening clearing members.

  • FIA and Acuiti release report on challenges and opportunities for the European listed derivatives markets

    London and Washington, DC – FIA released a report on the challenges and opportunities facing the European listed derivatives markets on 18 June. The report is based on responses to a survey conducted recently by Acuiti, a market intelligence firm, that gauged industry sentiment regarding the key trends, opportunities and challenges facing the industry in Europe.

  • IDX 2024 opening remarks: The industry shines through adversity

    Opening remarks of Walt Lukken, President and CEO of FIA, at the International Derivatives Expo (IDX) in London on 18 June 2024. As prepared for delivery.

  • FIA responds to B3 Clearing consultation on its recovery plan and early settlement auction

    FIA has responded to B3 Clearing's consultation proposing to amend rules regarding B3's recovery plan. As part of the recovery plan, the clearinghouse is proposing to include a final auction, giving market participants a last opportunity to assist it in returning to a matched book, as well as early settlement auction or tear-up provisions in case the final auction fails.

  • FIA responds to US FTC’s rule banning nearly all noncompete agreements

    FIA and FIA Principal Traders Group have filed an amicus brief along with several other financial services trade associations in a case involving the US Federal Trade Commission’s recently issued rule that bans nearly all noncompete agreements in the US. In their brief, the associations highlighted the practical challenges of the rule for the financial industry and warned that it would harm competition and endanger confidential information.

  • FIA backs international effort to promote "effective practices" for variation margin

    FIA has responded to a discussion paper released by international standard setters that sets out eight "effective practices" for streamlining variation margin in centrally cleared markets. The discussion paper addresses the need for greater transparency and understanding of margin practices at central counterparties, particularly in light of recent episodes of market volatility triggered by the COVID crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 

  • FIA asks CFTC to sunset large trader reporting for commodity swaps

    FIA, joined by ISDA, has responded to the CFTC’s notice of intent to renew the collection of large trader reporting (LTR) data for physical commodity swaps. The associations reiterate and build on requests they have made in recent years for the CFTC to sunset the LTR rules for swaps, which were envisioned as a temporary measure while the CFTC stood up its comprehensive swap reporting framework under Dodd-Frank.

  • FIA responds to FCA proposal on publicising enforcement investigations

    FIA has responded to the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s public consultation on changes to its approach to enforcement investigations. The proposed changes include the FCA publicly announcing the opening of an investigation and disclosing the identity of the subject of the investigation where it considers this to be in the public interest. FIA is concerned that the proposed approach will be detrimental to the orderly functioning of UK capital markets, with limited value to public interest.

  • FIA cautions CFTC on regulation of AI

    FIA has urged the CFTC to take a "technology-neutral" approach and focus on "outcomes and use cases" rather than the technology itself. FIA also urged the CFTC to consider the applicability of its existing rules and regulations before presupposing that new, AI-specific regulations are needed.