
Operations Americas Division

The division promotes industry cooperation and the exchange of ideas not only among members in Chicago and New York, but among all FIA members across the Americas.

The division attracts executives from all areas of the clearing industry including FCMs as well as exchanges, industry service providers, law firms, and technology vendors. The division includes four active committees that meet on a regular basis: Clearing & Trade Management, Delivery, Events & Education, Financial Management, and Post-trade Technology. FIA Operations Americas membership benefits include a discounted fee for programs, inclusion in the division membership directory, participation on working committees and networking events including the annual golf outings and summer events. 

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Latest news and updates

  • FIA Operations Division to form Post-Trade Tech Committee

    As operations and clearing becomes more automated, operations professionals are increasingly impacted by technology issues. The FIA Operations Americas Division is forming a Post-Trade Technology Committee to consider topics such as tokenization, how artificial intelligence can be used in futures operations, and solving inefficiencies in the post-trade process. The new committee also will interface with CCPs on technology updates to existing systems as well as new initiatives.

  • FIA Operations Division hosts panel on 24/7 Clearing

    The FIA Operations Americas Division held a workshop in May to consider the practical implications of clearing 24-hours-per-day/7-days-a-week in the current ecosystem.

  • FIA Operations Division comment on DMIST Consultation Paper on 30/30/30 Standard

    We are writing to comment and highlight the proposed 30/30/30 standard. As a board, we are heavily in favor of this standard. This will help reduce operational risk by ensuring trades clear in the proper account in a timely fashion. To be more specific, this will allow for a more real-time account valuation, position monitoring, margining, as well as decrease the risk related to unallocated expiring transactions. As an industry, all participants stand to benefit from this proposed standard. That being said, we would also like to highlight some of the challenges in meeting this goal.

  • FIA Operations Division comment on DMIST Consultation Paper on Average Pricing Standard

    The FIA Operations Americas Division provided comments on the DMIST Consultation Paper: Standard Regarding Average Pricing. The Division is fully supportive of achieving consistency across clearinghouses and responded to the questions raised in the consultation paper as well as made recommendations regarding specific functions that could be standardized.