
Open Industry Standards Taskforce

The Taskforce on Open Industry Standards is the result of a commitment from the FIA Board to support a multi-year effort to bring industry stakeholders together to help find ways of modernizing standards and processes in our markets.




Modernizing the Listed Derivatives Workflow: A Blueprint for Change


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In November 2021, FIA released a report calling on participants in the futures and options industry to work together on a major initiative to improve the efficiency of the trading and clearing process for exchange-traded derivatives. The report, “Modernizing the Listed Derivatives Workflow: A Blueprint for Change", addresses the challenge of achieving industry-wide improvements by establishing a framework for building consensus and collaboration among all segments of the industry, including clearing firms, executing brokers, exchanges, clearinghouses, customers and technology vendors.

Download the full report


The Taskforce will consist of stakeholders working in partnership to explore best practices, industry-wide standards and operational processes to make global cleared derivatives markets more efficient, resilient and competitive for all market participants.

Working collaboratively and transparently with other market participants, the Taskforce will provide an open forum for the cleared derivatives industry to gather and work toward consensus and shared standards around key operations and technology issues. 

Foundational Principles

  • Aim for consensus, industry-driven approach
  • Must be open and transparent governance
  • Leave adversarial hats at the door
  • Promote competitive and innovative operating system that encourages interoperability
  • Focus on practical, real-world solutions while building a foundation for larger projects
  • Develop shared industry metrics that will drive accountability and success