
Swiss financial market regulations related to derivatives

27 June 2018


This one-hour webinar focuses on the upcoming rules and regulations related to the trading in derivatives with Swiss-based counterparties or the provision of financial services related to derivatives to Swiss-based clients on a pure cross-border basis, meaning without having a permanent establishment in Switzerland. Switzerland’s cross-border regulatory regime for foreign-based providers of financial services related to derivatives or counterparties to derivatives not having a permanent establishment in Switzerland has historically been almost unregulated. This is however about to change with the new regulatory regime. This webinar gives an overview of the new key Swiss regulations and the new rules and regulations arising therefrom. It covers also the policy of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA related to cryptocurrencies. The laws and regulations covered in this webinar are the following: 

  • The Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FMIA) (EMIR equivalent)
  • Certain key requirements related to derivatives under the Swiss Banking Act (stay provisions) 
  • The new Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) (MiFID II equivalent) 
  • The new Swiss Financial Institutions Act (FinIA) (MiFID II equivalent) 
  • The new FINMA practice on cryptocurrencies


Christiane Leuthier, Senior Director of Commodities, FIA and Martin Liebi, Head of Capital Markets, Pricewaterhouse Coopers

  • FIA
  • Video
  • Webinars