
Statement from FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken on the resignation of CFTC Commissioner Scott O’Malia

21 July 2014

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced today that Commissioner Scott O’Malia will step down later this month. FIA issued the following statement in response to the announcement. 

"On behalf of FIA, I want to thank Commissioner O’Malia for his energy, enthusiasm and commitment to public service," said FIA President and Chief Executive Officer Walt Lukken. "Scott was always willing to roll up his sleeves and dive into complex regulatory issues, and under his leadership the CFTC’s Technology Advisory Committee has developed into a remarkably effective forum for thoughtful discussion on the technological innovations that are transforming our industry. I also want to thank him for his efforts to bring the end-user perspective into the regulatory dialogue, particular with respect to Dodd-Frank, and for his emphasis on the value of empirical data in the rule-making process. I wish him all the best in the next phase of his career.”

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