
InfoNet: Innovation

10 July 2015

FIA Europe’s InfoNet on innovation brought together experts in Fintech and disruptive technology from both the incumbent firms within the technology space in the derivatives industry to start-ups. Udayan Goyal, Co-Founder and Co-Managing Partner of Apis Partners, kicked the first session off with his enthusiastic keynote speech on Fintech 2.0 which made for a useful introduction to the panel on innovation in technology and how it might improve process throughout the transaction chain. A lively debate ensued between the start-ups and larger, established software vendors and users about the challenges facing them but ultimately it was decided that the different services that both could offer complimented one another. The session was rounded off by Steve Grob, Director of Group Strategy at Fidessa who presented his views on ‘what will upset the applecart next’: Blockchain, the visualisation and curation of information, and micro-investing.

FIA Europe’s Emma Davey began the second session by interviewing Chief Innovation Officer at Eurex, Brendan Bradley in order to gain an exchange’s perspective on innovation, before they both joined the panel on innovation in product. This explored what is driving product innovation as well as what hinders it. Panelists also discussed products in recent history that have succeeded and failed or are yet to see results, and the types of products that are in the pipeline, which left the audience wondering what will be the next innovative product to reach the market.

Snapshot video interviews are available and a full report on the event will be available soon.

  • FIA