
InfoNet 2013 - The future for the execution business

26 March 2013

It is an undisputed fact that markets have changed almost beyond recognition in the past couple of decades – the 20 years in which the Futures and Options Association has been in existence. Back then, electronic markets were in their infancy – Eurex (or Deutsche Terminboerse as it was then) was struggling to compete with the well established Liffe, ICE didn’t even exist, and neither did Nasdaq OMX NLX – the new exchange in London which opened last month, offering interest rate products at both ends of the yield curve. In this edition we consider:

  • How regulations will impact market access
  • Will technology keep pace with market change
  • Is there for a future for algo trading?
  • Will volumes cope with the introduction of a financial transaction tax?
  • Future of the hyprid voice + technology based brokerage firms
  • Futures brokers vs IDBs
  • How does a broker demonstrate his value?
  • FIA