
IDX 2019 Conference Recap Report

28 June 2019

IDX 2019 took place from 3-5 June at The Brewery in London. This annual gathering brings together industry leaders, technology vendors and government policymakers to discuss current trends in derivatives trading and clearing. 

Two key themes from this year’s conference were the uncertainty of the political and regulatory environment in Europe, and the impact of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing strategies on derivatives markets. The conference also featured several  panels on technology issues, a one-on-one with London Stock Exchange Group CEO David Schwimmer, and a keynote address from author and 30% Club founder Dame Helena Morrissey on the benefits of diversity in senior management.

This year’s conference attracted some 1,800 people from over 450 companies in the derivatives industry. In addition, more than 40 companies showed off their products and services in the exhibition hall, giving conference attendees an opportunity to explore the latest developments in technology and product innovation.

Read FIA's key takeaways in the IDX 2019 Recap report. 

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