What’s one significant way coronavirus has affected your work?
With fewer speeches and travel obligations, my time commitments have been redistributed. Part necessity and part circumstantial, I am focused on the more technical elements of my job. While both are important, I tend to prefer technician to orator anyway. Even so, this remote environment has forced me to adapt some of the more methodical approaches I typically apply. I normally print, read, highlight, tab, affix notes, and file for frequent re-examination most technical documents. (My husband claims I approach life much the same way, mentally cataloging my views and conversations to ensure easy recall decades later in the event he might challenge my recollection.) So, while I miss my meticulously organized position limits files (there are many) I have now adopted electronic annotation and filing. My laptop has never been more organized.
What’s a typical day like for you right now as we “shelter in place”?
Like others, I found the days in late March/early April to be a bit unwieldy and largely devoted to ensuring remote infrastructure operations could support market continuity and my Wi-Fi could support two “classrooms” and two “offices.” However, since mid-April I have restored some normalcy. Once my kids start their classes at 7:30, a.m. I am at my “desk” (aka the dining table) reading the overnight news, much as I would after taking them to school in our normal routine, only now I avoid commuting and I don’t wear a jacket (or lipstick). At 8:15, I participate in my son’s PE block and he normally beats me at basketball, though I can still hold a plank longer. Properly caffeinated by 9:00, we begin telephonic “meetings” with stakeholders and CFTC staff. Similar to being in the office, there is the frequent unforeseen dilemma that causes me to forget about lunch until mid-afternoon. Much to my kids’ dismay, we spend 30 minutes in the afternoon reviewing their school work -- I hope to once again prove proficient in fifth grade science and seventh grade geometry. I then return calls and respond to emails. Recognizing it is only temporary, I appreciate spending more evenings as a family, free of competing travel itineraries and extra-curricular activities.
What’s something that has given you hope for the future after this pandemic?
On Friday, March 13, the CFTC conducted a mandatory telework readiness exercise. Over that weekend, it became apparent that this was no longer “just a test.” While our current mode of operation was somewhat abrupt I am very proud of my CFTC teammates and the agency’s remarkable adaptability. As we encounter new challenges we will draw inspiration from the work ethic and commitment displayed in recent days.