
FIA statement on CFTC Commissioner Sharon Bowen’s resignation

20 June 2017

FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken released the following statement in response to CFTC Commissioner Sharon Bowen’s announcement that she will retire from the Commission within the next few months.

“On behalf of FIA and all of our members, I would like to thank Commissioner Bowen for her service to the Commission and to our markets.  Sharon is a thoughtful policymaker who has been dedicated to important issues of customer protection and market risk.  Under her leadership, the CFTC’s Market Risk Advisory Committee has done prolific work to deliberate and address issues of liquidity, business continuity, and CCP risk, recovery, and resolution. She has encouraged public dialogue through frequent meetings and I appreciate all that she has done to enhance and strengthen our markets.  I wish her well in her next endeavor.” 

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