
FIA issues statement on regulatory review announced by White House

3 February 2017

Washington, D.C. — In response to the executive order issued today by the White House that directed the Treasury Secretary to conduct a 120-day review of financial system regulation, FIA released the following statement from FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken:

"We applaud the President's call to launch a comprehensive review of the laws and regulations governing the financial system.  As we said in our letter on Jan. 25, now is the time to review and simplify the regulations put in place following the financial crisis and determine whether these regulations are in fact meeting their public objectives.  FIA supports thoughtful regulations that protect investors and promote safe and healthy markets.  We look forward to providing stakeholder input into the review process."

On Jan. 25, FIA sent a letter to President Trump and key congressional and regulatory leaders calling for a comprehensive review of all U.S. financial reform regulation. 

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