
FIA indirect clearing terms & 2018 terms of business

17 May 2018


Join FIA and Clifford Chance for a live webinar as they present the new FIA Indirect Clearing Terms,  prepared by FIA, together with Clifford Chance LLP and member firms, the FIA Indirect Clearing Terms are designed to supplement contractual terms based on either the 2011 Professional Client Agreement or the soon-to-be-launched 2018 Terms of Business. The FIA Indirect Clearing Terms complement and complete the FIA’s suite of indirect clearing documentation and they form part of the wider FIA Documentation Library, which (among other documents) includes the 2018 Terms of Business and a number of different legal opinions. This session will focus specifically on the FIA indirect clearing documentation published in 2017 and 2018 with specific focus on the recently published FIA Indirect Clearing Terms, as well as the 2018 Terms of Business.


Mitja Siraj, VP Legal, Europe, FIA and Jeremy Walter, Partner, Clifford Chance

  • FIA
  • Video
  • Webinars