
FIA elects new board members at 2017 annual meeting

14 March 2017

FIA today announced the election of directors to its board at its annual meeting in Boca Raton, Fla. Thirteen directors were elected at this meeting for one and two-year terms.

Eric Aldous of RBC Capital Markets LLP and Jason Radzik of BNP Paribas SA joined the board for the first time, serving two-year terms. 

Additionally, because the chairs of the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG) and the FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) rotate their roles as Ex-Officio Directors on an annual basis, Rob Creamer of Geneva Trading, chairman of FIA PTG, vacated the role of Ex-Officio Director at FIA and Remco Lenterman of Citadel Securities, chairman of FIA EPTA, began his term. 

Directors elected to one-year terms:

  • Dr. James Overdahl, Delta Strategy Group

Directors elected to two-year terms:

  • Gerald Corcoran, R.J. O’Brien & Associates LLC
  • Malcom Clark Hutchison III, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
  • Mark Ibbotson, G.H. Financials
  • Jerome Kemp, Citigroup Global Markets Limited
  • Najib Lamhaouar, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.
  • Edward Pla, UBS Securities LLC
  • Nicholas Rustad, J.P. Morgan Securities PLC
  • Dean Tonkin, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
  • Thomas J. Erickson, Cargill, Incorporated
  • Michael Voisin, Linklaters LLP

Following these board elections at the annual meeting, the new board met to consider business and elect new officers:

  • Chairman: Michael Dawley, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
  • Vice Chairman: Jerome Kemp, Citigroup Global Markets Limited
  • Secretary: Maureen Downs, Rosenthal Collins Group
  • Treasurer: M. Clark Hutchison, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.

A full list of FIA’s leadership can be found here

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