
FIA announces 20 fintech startups chosen for Innovators Pavilion

21 September 2017

FIA announced that 20 companies have been chosen to exhibit in the Innovators Pavilion at the 33rd Annual FIA Expo in Chicago October 17 – 19. 

Innovators Pavilion gives fintech startups the chance to display their products and services to more than 5,000 people at the largest gathering of derivatives industry professionals in the world. The companies selected for this year's Innovators Pavilion will be given TechPod on the Expo show floor to display their products and services. FIA also will host a “Meet the Innovators” competition to spotlight the five most exciting companies within the Pavilion. The winner of this competition will receive more than $20,000 in cash and other resources. 

“I’m proud to announce the 2017 class of FIA Innovators,” said Matt Haraburda of XR Trading, chairman of the Innovators Pavilion selection committee and executive committee member of the FIA Principal Traders Group (FIA PTG). “We had a strong pool of very qualified applicants from all over the world.  The companies chosen to exhibit at Expo represent a range of valuable services, providing everything from indices for political risk and cropland values to artificial intelligence and augmented reality for market data.” 

The companies chosen are:

This year's Innovators Pavilion is sponsored by Amazon Web Services and Nasdaq and supported by several fintech organizations and angel investors groups. This is the third year that FIA has organized this showcase for fintech startups, which is designed to encourage greater innovation in the derivatives industry. Haraburda led a panel of industry leaders assembled by FIA to review the applications submitted by the candidates and choose companies best suited to providing innovative forward-thinking solutions for the futures, options and cleared swaps industry. 

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