
Complying with CFTC Rule 1.73 for give-ups webinar: a discussion of the FIA give-up screening agreement

hosted by FIA Tech

3 May 2013


Attention executing and clearing brokers: The industry has been working to meet the June 1 deadline to comply with CFTC Rule 1.73 that requires executing firms to agree to screen customer orders for limits established by clearing firms with respect to give-up transactions. The FIA Law & Compliance Division has created a standard version of a “screening agreement,” which can be modified, for executing and clearing brokers to agree to screen for such limits. The agreement is currently available on FIA Tech’s electronic give-up agreement system (EGUS). This webinar will walk you through the provisions of the agreement and how it can be used to comply with Rule 1.73. We will also provide an overview of how the agreement can be executed on EGUS. (This agreement is not applicable to separate requirements in CFTC Rule 1.73 which relate to Account Managers executing Bunched Orders.)


David WilsonTechnology Project Manager, FIA Technology Services

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  • Webinars