
CFTC’s push to enforce insider trading rules in commodities markets

part of the FIA Law & Compliance Division webinar series

13 December 2018


During this webinar, a panel of Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP attorneys will discuss the CFTC’s authority to prosecute insider trading violations and Division of Enforcement’s recent announcement that it has formed an insider trading task force.  The panel will cover the following, among other, topics:

  • The elements of an insider trading claim under the Commodity Exchange Act;
  • Unique aspects of material non-public information in the commodity and derivatives markets;
  • Scenarios that create increased risk of an insider trading violation;
  • The development of industry standards for the appropriate protection and use of material nonpublic information;
  • Recent CFTC enforcement investigations and actions and the potential impact of the insider trading task force; and  
  • Steps companies can take to manage the risk of an insider trading violation.


Athena Eastwood, Neal Kumar and Paul Pantano of Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP


  • FIA
  • Video
  • Webinars