
Europe News

The latest industry and regulatory news affecting Europe and the U.K.

  • FIA joins other trades in EU benchmarks regulation review recommendations

    FIA, the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA), the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), EMTA, and the Global Foreign Exchange Division (GFXD) of the Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) have published an updated set of recommendations in response to the European Commission’s latest consultation on reform of the EU Benchmarks Regulation.

  • FIA responds to European Commission’s BMR consultation

    FIA has submitted a response to the European Commission’s consultation on reforming the EU Benchmarks Regulation (BMR). In its response, FIA highlights that without significant reform,  the BMR could expose benchmark users in the European Union to the threats that BMR was intended to protect them from, putting them at a competitive disadvantage to users of benchmarks in other jurisdictions.

  • FIA EPTA response to the EBA Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Discussion Paper on the role of Environmental Risks in the Prudential Framework. In 2019 FIA EPTA established a Sustainable Finance Committee for its member firms to explore how liquidity providers can contribute to the green transition. It is FIA EPTA’s view that sustainable finance offers a great promise in unlocking investment capital that is essential for fighting climate change and mitigating its impact for citizens.

  • FIA responds to ESMA consultations on CCP Resolution Regime

    FIA has responded to three of the four consultations published by the European Securities and Markets Authority on the CCP Resolution Regime. The responses cover two mandated guidelines on the assessment of resolvability and cooperation arrangement between member states and third-country authorities, and non-mandated guidelines on the resolution plan summary. The associations did not respond to the consultation on the standard written arrangement template for the resolution college

  • Future regulation of EU clearing discussed at FIA Forum Frankfurt

    FIA returned to Frankfurt on 12 July where the industry and regulators gathered to discuss the key issues impacting listed and cleared derivatives market participants.

  • FIA responds to UK’s call for evidence on Green Finance Strategy

    FIA has responded to the UK government’s call for evidence to support its update of the Green Finance Strategy. The response stresses the need for well-balanced, principle-based regulation that complements and encourages market innovation. It also highlights new products as a potential growth area to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • FIA EPTA response to the European Commission consultation on the functioning of the ESG ratings market in the European Union and on the consideration of ESG factors in credit ratings

    FIA EPTA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commission consultation on the functioning of the ESG ratings market in the European Union and on the consideration of ESG factors in credit ratings FIA EPTA members believe regulation is needed to build credible and meaningful ESG ratings. Investors need the ESG ratings for their investment decisions, as ESG investments are growing, the demand for ESG ratings will only grow.

  • FIA responds to European Commission’s CSDR review proposal

    FIA and ISDA have submitted a joint response to the European Commission’s legislative proposal to review the Central Securities Depositories Regulation, in particular with respect to reforms of the mandatory buy-in regime (MBI) under Article 7 CSDR.

  • Market experts push back on proposed EU ETS restrictions

    Warnings come as lawmakers contemplate restricting financial participation in the EU Emissions Trading System.

  • Market experts push back on proposed EU ETS restrictions

    Warnings come as lawmakers contemplate restricting financial participation in the EU Emissions Trading System.