
Europe News

The latest industry and regulatory news affecting Europe and the U.K.

  • FIA and ISDA response to the European Commission’s ‘Roadmap’ consultation on CSDR

    FIA and ISDA on 4 April 2021 submitted a response to the European Commission’s ‘Roadmap’ consultation on the review of CSDR.

  • Viewpoint – Listen to customers and markets will follow

    FIA strongly believes that the development of competitive, efficient and resilient markets is best achieved by market-driven solutions and client demand over the long term. Mandating where participants trade and clear would eliminate customer choice and harm the growth of financial market infrastructure by creating unintended costs and risks.

  • New EU and UK prudential regimes for investment firms

    In this webinar, a panel of experts discuss the new EU and UK prudential regimes for investment firms (EU IFR/IFD and UK IFPR).

  • FIA EPTA response to the EBA Consultation on Guidelines on remuneration policies for investment firms (EBA/CP/2020/26)

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Consultation on its Guidelines on remuneration policies for investment firms. FIA EPTA members note that the Draft EBA Guidelines on sound remuneration policies are very similar to the Guidelines EBA/GL/2015/22 dated 21 December 2015 currently in effect and applicable to firms subject to CRD V and MiFID firms, with minimal changes.

  • FIA EPTA response to the EBA Consultation on its Guidelines on internal governance for investment firms (EBA/CP/2020/27)

    FIA EPTA appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Banking Authority (EBA) Consultation on its Guidelines on internal governance for investment firms. FIA EPTA members note that the Draft EBA Guidelines on Internal Governance are very similar to those currently in effect and applicable to CRD V and MiFID firms, with relatively few changes.

  • FIA EPTA response to the Consultation Paper by ESMA on MiFID II/MiFIR review report on Algorithmic Trading

    The FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on the consultation on the impact of the requirements under MiFID II/MiFIR regarding algorithmic trading, including high-frequency algorithmic trading. Our members are independent market makers and providers of liquidity and risk transfer on trading venues and end-investors across Europe.

  • Joint trades letter to the EC regarding implementation of the CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime

    On 11 March 2021, FIA and 14 trade associations representing a wide range of stakeholders in the European and global financial markets wrote to the European Commission and ESMA raising concerns about the implementation of the mandatory buy-in requirement under the EU’s CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime.

  • Europe's algorithmic trading rules come under the microscope

    FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) hosted a webinar on 24 February that reviewed European algorithmic trading rules under MiFID II and discussed suggestions put forward by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for potential changes to the regime. Rules around algorithmic and high-frequency trading, as well as various aspects of market microstructure, form an important cornerstone of the MiFID II rulebook. In December 2020, ESMA published a consultation paper, evaluating the algorithmic trading regime ahead of the upcoming MiFID II Review by the European Commission. ESMA also made suggestions for potential new additions to the regime.

  • Europe's algorithmic trading rules come under the microscope

    Principal trading firms discuss ESMA's latest algorithmic trading proposals

  • Europe's algorithmic trading rules come under the microscope

    FIA European Principal Traders Association (FIA EPTA) hosted a webinar on 24 February that reviewed European algorithmic trading rules under MiFID II and discussed suggestions put forward by the European Securities and Markets Authority for potential changes to the regime.