
Digital Assets archive

  • FIA, other trades comment on Basel consultation on cryptoassets

    FIA joined five trade associations in a response to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s consultative document on the prudential treatment of cryptoassets. The associations support BCBS’s decision to engage in an iterative approach to the prudential treatment of cryptoassets. However, the associations emphasize the need to provide clarity for the banks as the client demand grows.

  • Viewpoint – Crypto and climate: A tale of two topics

    While climate change and crypto assets are clearly top of mind, the policy agenda around them remains cloudy. Our markets can play a significant role in both.

  • NFTs: Key considerations for an emerging asset class

    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have received considerable press attention lately, as retail and institutional interest has boomed for digital art, commemorative items, and other assets that reside in blockchain ecosystems.

  • Micro bitcoin futures success hints at the rise of retail  

    CME has reported that it took just three weeks for its new Micro Bitcoin Futures (MBT) to tally more than 650,000 contracts traded in the first month since launch. The success of this small-sized contracts hints at a broader move to encourage access to derivatives markets

  • Regulation is key to wider adoption of digital assets, say panelists

    Institutional investors have a growing interest in bitcoin and other digital assets, but a major stumbling block to widespread adoption is uncertainty around regulation, said panelists at FIA's International Futures Industry Conference, Boca-V. They added that while regulation uncertainty is perceived as a major headwind, some progress has been made in recent months in the US in bringing cryptocurrencies out of the shadows.

  • FIA fintech, digital assets forum focuses on innovations in financial services

    FIA fintech, digital assets forum focuses on innovations in financial services

  • Balancing blockchain’s big potential with its big risks

    Christopher K. Hehmeyer has seen a host of changes in derivatives markets since beginning his career as a runner on the Chicago Board of Trade's trading floor in 1977, but none of them have quite the same disruptive potential as blockchain.

  • Conference recap - Boca 2019

    Read the Boca Recap for FIA's take on the key themes and developments from the 2019

  • FIA provides recommendations to CFTC on crypto-asset derivatives

    On Feb. 15, FIA responded to a request from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for input on crypto-asset mechanics and markets.

  • Special Report: CFTC examines self-certification process at public meeting

    On Jan. 31, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Market Risk Advisory Committee held a day-long meeting to discuss the self-certification process used by Cboe Futures Exchange and CME Group to launch bitcoin futures.