
Cross-Border archive

  • FIA Special Report: Court Dismisses Part of CFTC Cross-Border Case, Orders Cost-Benefit Review

    On Sept. 16, a federal judge granted a motion to dismiss, in part, a lawsuit filed against the Commodity Futures Commission to overturn its guidance related to the application of Title VII in the Dodd-Frank Act to cross-border transactions.

  • Global regulators back plan to overhaul financial benchmarks

    The Financial Stability Board on July 22 published a report outlining reforms to major interest rate benchmarks such as Libor, Euribor and Tibor. One set of the recommended reforms is aimed at strengthening the existing "IBORs" and other reference rates based on unsecured bank funding costs by underpinning them with transaction data.

  • Clearing the Deck: OTC Clearing in Europe

    The European Securities and Markets Authority on July 11 launched its first round of consultations to determine which classes of swaps will be subject to mandatory central clearing.

  • President's Message September 2014

    It has been a busy summer at FIA, and I am pleased to congratulate Gerry Corcoran on his election to chairman of FIA’s board of directors. Gerry is the CEO of R.J. O’Brien and has served on our board since 2008.

  • Joint Trade Associations Letter to IOSCO Secretary General on UTIs

    Joint Trade Associations Letter to IOSCO Secretary General on UTIs

  • 10 Themes That Will Shape Financial Markets

    To provide some thought-provoking insights on the future of the derivatives industry, FIA invited Jane Gladstone, an investment banker who has advised many of the leading companies in this sector, to speak at the exchange leaders breakfast at FIA’s International Futures Industry Conference in Boca Raton, Fla. this past March.

  • Cross Border Regulation Forum

    In response to the establishment of the IOSCO Task Force, which was charged with the responsibility of developing a 'tool kit' for cross-border regulatory approaches and considering the need for implementation guidance, an international group of financial service trade associations, investment banks, brokerage houses and market infrastructure operators came together to establish the Cross-Border Regulation Forum (CBRF) for the specific purpose of providing joint industry input into the work of the Task Force.

  • FIA Special Report: CFTC Discusses Cross-Border Issues

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Global Markets Advisory Committee held a meeting on May 21 to discuss cross-border regulatory issues.

  • FIA’s Lukken calls for regulatory pragmatism at SIFMA Compliance and Legal Seminar

    FIA President & CEO Walt Lukken discussed the implementation of Dodd-Frank in a keynote speech delivered at the SIFMA Compliance and Legal Seminar on April 2, 2014. Lukken focused on five broad trends affecting the derivatives industry and emphasized the need for regulatory pragmatism and cooperation as the new rules are put into effect.

  • U.S. and European trade associations issue joint statement on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

    The undersigned financial services trade associations1, based in the US and Europe, today issued the following statement in support of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that includes financial services regulatory coordination, in advance of the March 26 EU-US Summit attended by US President Barack Obama, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.