
CCP Risk archive

  • FIA responds to Bank of England approach to discretionary payments by CCPs

    FIA and ISDA have responded to the Bank of England's proposed statement of policy on discretionary payments by CCPs. The associations support the proposal but note they would welcome further guidance on how the BoE intends to consider the maintenance of public confidence in the UK financial system when using other supervisory and resolution powers.

  • FIA and ISDA support CCP access to Fed accounts

    FIA and ISDA have jointly issued a letter of support to US Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) for his legislative efforts to expand access to deposit accounts offered by the Federal Reserve for clearinghouses regulated by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • FIA and ISDA respond to SEC consultation on clearing agency recovery and wind-down plans

    The Futures Industry Association (FIA) along with the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) has  submitted comments on the Security Exchange Commission's (SEC) proposed rulemaking regarding Clearing Agency Resilience and Recovery and Wind-Down Plans.

  • CFTC committee discusses market risk issues

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission held a meeting of its Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) on 10 July, discussing wide-ranging issues including CCP risk and governance, interest rate benchmark reform, market structure issues, and climate-related market issues.

  • FIA announces Cyber Risk Taskforce at CFTC meeting 

    The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission held a meeting of its Market Risk Advisory Committee on March 8, and the recent cyber-attack on one of the industry's technology service providers was one of the main topics of discussion. FIA President and CEO Walt Lukken, one of the speakers invited to address this issue, described FIA's role in the industry's response to the attack and announced the formation of a Cyber Risk Taskforce to examine the longer-term implications for cleared derivatives markets. 

  • FIA responds to Eurex consultation on the implementation of the second skin in the game

    While FIA and its members have been strong advocates for a SSITG, Eurex's intention to reduce the first SITG by 28% as part of the implementation is “opposed to the spirit of the new recovery and resolutions regulations and what the industry has been pushing for the past few years.”

  • Associations publish papers on client participation in CCP auctions and CCP auction governance

    FIA, CCP12, the European Association of CCP Clearing Houses, and ISDA, together with client associations, the FIA Principal Traders Group and the Managed Funds Association, have developed and published papers focused on client participation in a CCP default auction, governance of CCP default management processes and the role of default management groups

  • Clearing rules for energy markets in focus at Expo

    Panelists discuss EU measures to tackle energy crisis

  • Expo 2022 - The role of innovation and intermediation

    Opening remarks of Walt Lukken, President and CEO of FIA, at the FIA Expo 2022 conference in Chicago. As prepared for delivery.

  • FIA makes recommendations on circuit breakers

    The current energy crisis has been driving prices of natural gas to record levels, impacting households and businesses. The European Commission has reacted by tasking the European Securities and Market Authorities to review different areas of the market, including the use of circuit breakers by energy trading venues. In a letter to ESMA and the European Commission, FIA makes recommendations and emphasizes controls should not be used to cap prices.